British MPs call for review of arms export to Israel
A bit late...Isn´t it..
ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan asked visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday to help Turkey if its bid for EU membership becomes deadlocked, most probably because of a dispute with Cyprus. Merkel has said Turkey's negotiations to join the 27-nation bloc were open-ended, but has advocated that Turkey opts for a "privileged partnership" with the European Union.So after the whole Kurdish people including PKK have bent over backwards in their attempts to begin a peace process and a whole lot - we now very well which, have worked against it which is actually a DENIAL OF RIGHT TO LIFE. Which actually genocides, extermination and crimes against humanity is all about! With the most gross violations and crimes, instigated war-fares, set ups and framings of politicians to commit politized.
And some are asking themselves is this violations against basic human rights, murders, crimes, state terror, genocides, ongoing extermination of a whole people from their land, instigated war fares, systematic and wide spread state sponsored murders, fascists used as fuel to polarizations as a part of genocidal tactics and crimes put in system, jailing of people just because they call for peace, or just because they protests of being jailed and killed, jailing children, clubbing children, a denial of the right to life against those seeking solutions and peace, what we want in Europe?
We can tell all that it´s actually both supported and aided from Europe as well and have been so for decades. It´s not a question if people want this in Europe - these support and aiding of crimes are actually very much coming from there. It´s more a question of holding politicians in Europe responsible, just as the U.S., Israel, Britain, Italy, the regimes in Iran, Syria etc..
Just as those responsible for crimes against humanity in Afghanistan. Where 2.000 trained Muhajedeens by CIA and the U.S. were killed in containers and buried in the desert, just to make sure there were no more militants to surrender and in cooperation with war lords that should be put responsible for crimes against humanity, and Pakistan which has been lodging and supporting the Talibans, could go on maintaining a war with thousands and thousands of deaths for 9 more years. Where people have been massacred and killed for 9 years and even with their hands still tied behind their backs. When we say this is a Steamroller going Havoc in a global second Barbarian immigration, where destabilization and genocides are put in system in a furious phase, with Ambassadors and diplomats going shuffle traffic being very much present during crimes against humanity, just a during the Armenian genocide, we are actually right.