Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The world must reconnect with Gaza..
And Assad better take his supported collective-suiciders which are taking the whole Gaza population to destruction, after he orchestrated the take over in Gaza from Damascus and have kept use 1.5 millions of Palestinians as hostages in his psychopathic manipulations and "legitimization's" to take others to death and destruction, while himself is floating around on a shrimp sandwich, and work fast to get through a prisoner swap, instead of just sitting and talk bullshit while every one else are paying in all aspects!
"He was instructed to confiscate anything with a star on it."
Meanwhile, across Kurdistan and Turkey hundreds of thousands of people celebrated Newroz with an unstoppable enthusiasm and determination. The days when the Turkish state could get away with the wholesale public massacre of Kurds are in the past.
Photographs from across Turkey show crowds displaying the flags and banners of the PKK and wearing t-shirts proclaiming their support for the freedom movement. While this is in line with what has been happening in the rest of Europe, especially Germany, it is ironic that at a time when support for the PKK is proclaimed in Diyarbakir it is oppressed in Britain. In Trafalgar Square groups of slightly embarrassed - and certainly confused - police trawled the crowds attempting to confiscate a range of proscribed flags and banners. One young Kurdish woman with a PKK banner refused to surrender it demanding to see the official documentation entitling the officer to take it. He replied that he was instructed to confiscate anything with a star on it. She asked if he would therefore confiscate the Turkish flag if she were holding that and then saw a group of American tourists wearing “Stars and Stripes” jackets and demanded that the officer request them to hand over their clothing. By this point the woman had gathered a crowd of supporters eager to hear the officers reply, he backed off.
In another incident a supporter of the Kurdish freedom movement was told to surrender his PKK t-shirt which he refused and harangued the officer for being in allegiance with the forces of Turkish state repression. He pointed out the sea of banners of Kurdish leader Mr Abdullah Ocalan and asked about those to which the officer actually responded that he'd been told correctly that Mr. Ocalan was “a Mandela figure” to Kurds and the banners were therefore not a problem.
Ultimately it is not the British police or security forces who are the problem here, they are “just following orders”. While they do their duty as instructed, as they are paid to, they are not paid to consider the political justice or injustice of the many actions expected of them. At higher levels and in the “intelligence” divisions the story may be different. Many in the security services know that the Kurdish people have a cause that is just. They also know that their political masters are sacrificing this just cause in a typically bizarre display of short-termism and Realpolitik.There must be some in the security and intelligence services who, mindful of recent examples of where their political masters have known “best”, are telling their paymasters that a political solution to the Kurdish question is essential to peace and stability in Europe and the region of the Middle East.
In a region increasingly racked by religiously inspired hate and conflict the Kurdish freedom movement represented by the PKK is a breath of fresh air. With its progressive secular outlook and a commitment to grassroots regional democratic participatory society it sits comfortably with visionaries such as Altiero Spinelli whose vision of a united Europe shared much in common with that of imprisoned PKK founder amd Kurdish leader Mr Abdullah Ocalan. While imprisoned Mr. Ocalan has not been idle but has continued the struggle for a Kurdish freedom based upon the common interests of the people of Turkey, and indeed Europe, as a whole. Mr Ocalan's call for a democratic federalist solution to the Kurdish question in Turkey cries out to be heeded and offers a model for the resolution of similar disputes in other European regions.
The PKK is not al-Qaeda. The PKK has actively resisted the terrorism of the Turkish state against its own citizens. The PKK has opposed the cultural genocide waged against the Kurdish people. The PKK is a secular organisation struggling for the right of Kurdish people to the type of freedom most people in Europe enjoy. The labelling of the PKK as a “terrorist” organisation is simply a ploy by a section of the Turkish state to continue its age old oppression of the Kurdish people under a cloak of legitimacy.
The “war on terrorism” has put back by years the work of peace makers everywhere. Not only that it has stoked the fires of hate that only serve to encourage the very acts that this misnamed “war” claims to prevent. By promoting and allying themselves with this bankrupt and meaningless “war” in which the world is represented in a simplistic “friend” / “enemy” model European leaders have rejected an opportunity to facilitate as peace makers. Not only this, but in an ideological system where only states count anyone who opposes the state under which they live risks denunciation as a “terrorist” while states that persecute their people can claim those who oppose them are all “terrorists”.
The Kurdish people want to be allowed to live in peace as themselves alongside their neighbours as equals. The PKK and Kurdish leader Mr Ocalan are the key to peace in Turkey and as the trusted representivitives of the Kurdish people in Turkey their participation is instrumental in the peaceful resolution to the Kurdish question. The PKK and Mr. Ocalan are ready to begin talks today. The question is why are Ankara, London, the E.U. and the U.S.A. unwilling to support this genuine desire and commitment to peace? The big question is why, when the Kurdish freedom movement has bent over backwards to bring everyone else to the peace table, why is it that there is either denunciation or and embarrassed silence from those who should be participants in, or who should be encouraging, the peace process?
Persecution in Turkey has not crushed the Kurdish freedom movement. Persecution in Europe will not crush the Kurdish freedom movement. It is time to reject the failed ideology of the “war on terrorism” and embrace a real and democratic peace process. The PKK's proscription must be ended, it must be given the legitimacy it deserves as a legal representative of the Kurdish people in Turkey and must be invited as a party to the inevitable peaceful solution to the Kurdish question.
By Alex Fitch, Source: http://hevallo.blogspot.com/
Well..Yeah..It´s from where Britain established the fact that Kurds tend to be shot rather than taken prisoners, as they were "rebels", just as the Armenians, in their own country when Britain was in Iraq in the 20s, to the streets of London 80 years later.."confiscating anything with a star on it." The Israelis better take down their flag in front of their embassy in Britain..And then it´s the Security council and then it´s the rest of the world..The racists ideology that inspired Hitler and have caused MASS genocides - "sanctioned" genocides..is very much alive..
National - Thank you for giving us an interview.Turkey has a growing role in the NATO alliance, helping to make decisions that will affect NATO. The Middle East region is a big concern to NATO. What do you think of this development?”
Abdullah Gul: “I would like initially to start by saying that NATO is an important security organisation and Turkey has been a member of NATO since the beginning… nearly sixty years ago. Terrorism has now become the world ‘s central issue. In a changing world NATO has new concerns, new issues and today NATO has become an important institution in the war against terror.”
Euronews: “One new question is the Kurdish issue in the north of Iraq. Is Turkey prepared to give any ground over that?”
Abdullah Gul: “To be able eradicate terrorist organisations you have to apply sophisticated programmes and plans ..and Turkey does that. Sometimes we do it in a public way.. sometimes behind the scenes.
Euronews: “As far as international relations go you are very close to Israel. They consider Hamas a terrorist organisation. But your relations with Hamas are very different to Israel’s. Shouldn’t Hamas be considered terrorists, the same as the PKK?”
Abdullah Gul: “The PKK, Hamas and the Palestinians…they have no links with each other. There are many groups linked with the Palestinians in The Middle East. In respect of the Palestinians we would never support suicide bombers. I must tell you that. But one group, the PKK, is using military means to create a something outside its own territory and they attack Turkey. But the Palestinians on the other hand are trying to defend themselves in their own country. There is no discrimination in Turkey against the Kurds. Ethnic indentity doesn’t interest us.”
Euronews: “Mr President. The question wasn’t about the moral value of the PKK and Hamas movements. The question is simply that Turkey has a bad relationship with the PKK and yet has a good relationship with Israel which in turn considers Hamas a terrorist organisation. This is a little contradicatory isn’t it? They are, after all, two movements which are struggling over territory.”
Abdullah Gul: “Palestine is a state under occupation and the Palestinians are using military means to end the occupation. Even after United Nations rulings, Palestine is still under occupation.”
Euronews: “ No, excuse me, because, perhaps…
Abdullah Gul: “Wait a minute. I must explain this important question. When Hamas carries out a terrorist attack, we condemn it. But don’t forget what Israel has done in Gaza. They killed between 1,300 and 1,800 people ..this is something we can never accept. So if you are comparing Hamas and the PKK you are making a big mistake.”
Euronews: “In respect of Turkey’s membership talks with the European Union …where are you in negotiations?”
Abdullah Gul: “The Cyprus question for example. Unfortunately the Cyprus question is an important subject as I am sure you know. From time to time, during these negotiations political problems arise and sometimes that causes situations which are contrary to the interests of the European people.”
Euronews: “Cyprus is a member state, but it is not recognised by Turkey. The Cypriots want to take their boats into Turkish ports but they don’t have access. That’s a commercial problem for an EU member state don’t you think?”
Abdullah Gul: “I must say one thing. We don’t ask the Cypriot Greeks for a visa. Not many people know that. But no-one can deny there is a problem. There is a problem in Cyprus. There are two parts: Greek Cyprus and Turkish Cyprus. Why has the United Nations proposed a peace agreement? Why has Europe endorsed this peace proposal of the United Nations? Why was this peace plan subject to a referendum in 2004? It was in two parts. The Turks accepted the peace plan and the Cypriot Greeks refused it.”
Euronews: “Mr President in order to make the Annan plan..the peace plan of the United Nation, which is supported by the European Union….to make this more acceptable don’t you think perhaps Turkey could withdraw the main part of its 40,000 troops from Cyprus. And couldn’t Turkey also reduce the flow of immigration from Anatolia in Turkey to Cyprus?”
Abdullah Gul: “I will say immediately to you that there is no immigration from Anatolia towards Cyprus. If this peace plan had been accepted, at the time of the referendum of 2004… if the Cypriot Greeks had not rejected the peace plan, today the soldiers Turkish stationed on the island would have withdrawn. Everyone knows that, including the European Union. We are not against a solution.”
Mining Companies 'Stealing Millions' from Africa
"Breaking the Curse: How Transparent Taxation and Fair Taxes Can Turn Africa's Mineral Wealth into Development" spotlights mining taxation and transparency in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. The report estimates that Ghana, where gold accounts for 90 percent of exports, lost nearly $400 million in potential revenues between 1990 and 2007 due to tax allowances and "lack of expertise in the revenue collection authority." Meanwhile, "in Tanzania, no mining company, other than AngloGold Ashanti, had paid corporate income tax by the end of 2008 -- ten years after industrial mining began in the country." Click here for more country snapshots from report co-author ActionAid.
Mining Companies Deprive Africa of Millions in Lost Revenue
From: ActionAid, Christian Aid, Southern Africa Resource Watch, Tax Justice Network Africa, and Third World Network Africa Mining companies routinely deprive African countries of huge amounts of tax revenue that could be used to combat poverty, a new report reveals today. Breaking the Curse: How Transparent Taxation and Fair Taxes can Turn Africa’s Mineral Wealth into Development highlights the methods mining companies use to pay as little tax as possible. These include: Forcing governments to grant tax subsidies and concessions by threatening to go elsewhere if they are not forthcoming. Insisting mining contracts signed with governments remain secret. Some governments, also anxious the contracts are not held up to public scrutiny – are happy to oblige.
Using the secrecy surrounding contracts to pursue aggressive tax avoidance strategies. In at least one country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, (DRC), there have been allegations of corrupt politicians awarding illegal tax exemptions to mining companies in return for private gain. False accounting used, the report alleges, to enable companies to artificially depress profits in countries where they operate to evade tax. The report has been jointly published by ActionAid, Christian Aid, Third World Network Africa, Tax Justice Network Africa, and Southern Africa Resource Watch. “One practical step to addressing poverty in Africa is to ensure that all multinational mining companies pay equitable amounts of tax,” said Brian Kagoro, ActionAid’s Pan African Policy Manager. “If they did, governments could fund social welfare programmes with revenue generated from taxes rather than seeking to borrow money externally.
“Mining contracts and payments to governments need to be subjected to rigorous parliamentary scrutiny to improve accountability in this sector. “And we need to strengthen the capacity of national regulatory tax authorities as well as rationalise international accounting standards to ensure compliance,” he added. The report warns that although some attempts at reform are now being made in countries like Tanzania and Zambia, they could founder because of the recent crash in international mineral prices. Governments across Africa are finding their negotiating capacity vis-à-vis mining companies suddenly diminished. Those who have already started reforming their old mining tax regimes or renegotiating mining contracts are now facing enormous pressure from companies to reverse these tax reforms in response to falling international prices.
Report editor Kato Lambrechts, from Christian Aid’s Africa policy unit, said: “The record amounts various minerals fetched until the bubble burst last year meant little or nothing to ordinary Africans. “Mining companies have long ensured that they pay as little tax as possible to the countries that own such resources. As a result, the citizens of mineral-rich countries continue to live in poverty. “The losses are fuelled by a lack of transparency concerning the financial remittances mining companies make to government institutions, coupled with the inability of revenue departments in poorer countries to audit the complicated accounts of multinational mining companies.” The laws, policies, and institutions that govern the financial payments made by mining corporations to governments need comprehensive reform. Among the report’s recommendations is a call for a new international accounting standard that would require multinational extractive companies to report on their profits, expenditures, taxes, fees and community grants paid in each financial year in each country where they operate.
OneWorld.net: Latest News, Groups Working on Corruption & Transparency Issues Worldwide
Well..Then..get the heck in there again!
If you shall yell at some one so it´s at Assad. Saudi Arabia have just paid 20 millions to rebuild Gaza, while Assad use factions in Gaza to stand in the way for every one, orchestrates everything from Damascus to hold 1.5 millions hostages there to have a genocidal "war-fare" against both Kurds and Palestinians, while Syria´s economy gets a lift and Kurds, Palestinians and EVERY ONE ELSE PAYS, just to then sits and pits every one against every one! If you shall rip some one apart it´s #¤%% Assad or shut the hell up!
Monday, March 30, 2009
The world must connect with Gaza..
We can not have a bunch of old remains from the Syrian resistance from the 20s, believing they rule the world with taking 1.5 millions of people hostage that are in urgent need for help, while Israel keep build their "#¤¤ houses, instead of negotiating!
This "dividing Jerusalem" is just bullshit and serves as tools for getting votes in for elections and for a couple people with their own affairs, business and own selfish purposes while others are suffering next to them! Jerusalem will not be divided, Jerusalem will stay open and living and it´s REALLY about time Israeli politicians realize people in this world will not accept a Jerusalem without Palestinians and a coexistence!
The world must reconnect with Gaza! "Plug it back in"! The "Syrian resistance" since 20s better get through that prisoner swap and take responsibility for 1.5 millions of Palestinians or send in some "#¤¤ NATO troops and run them the hell over! What other things is NATO good for? Killing Kurds since 1916, while having meetings in Damascus? Idiots!
Yeah..We see VERY WELL what´s going on! Gaza citizens are living in tents on a edge of a humanitarian disaster and destroyed waters as "a sign of strength", the same time as the whole "#¤¤ north of Iraq/Kurdistans environment and villagers are totally destroyed, Kurds living in tents, in a genocidal "war-fare" under the wings of NATO, "legitimized" by Assad while Kurds are disappearing in Syria in the same "#¤¤ genocidal "war-fare". At the same time the "Syrian resistance" holds 1.5 millions of Palestinians as hostages, with children don´t getting enough care and Gaza is disconnected. At the same time there are NATO members having meetings in Damascus and there are bilateral cooperations between Syria and Turkey and Syria´s economy gets a swing! While Turkey sits and hold on all the waters and demands every one on this planet and Kurds to take part in their on going genocide on the Kurdish people since the early 19th century!
We have seen it ALL in here! With orchestrated "resistance" from Damascus while Palestinians working on the get order gets shot and killed. "Alternative conferences" as it´s ALL about Assad and Golan and the Palestinian cause have nothing what so ever to do with anything, other than a tool to keep a ongoing genocidal "war-fare" on both Palestinians and Kurds! Orchestrated "take overs" dividing the Palestinians, using this division and Nasrallah to take Gaza to death and destruction and keep holding them hostages there, orchestrated "legitimization's" to justify a on going genocide "under the wings of NATO" on the Kurdish people, causing totally destruction in Kurdish areas and destabilization in Iraq. Using factions in Gaza, prisoner swaps, Egypt´s border and 1.5. millions of Palestinians on a edge to a disaster, while others gets in pay, to keep using Gilad Shalit and prisoner swap to "unite" the Palestinians on their "#¤¤ terms and conditions while both Kurds and Palestinians are deprived basic needs, human rights and lives! Standing in the way for every one just to be able to then pitting every one against every one!
"Syria wants peace with Israel"..Then take your "#¤¤# used factions and "resistance" and get through a prisoner swap and stop holding 1.5 millions of Palestinians hostages, and stop murdering and violate Kurds in your criminal psychopathic mass murderers genocides to begin with!
And while Turkey is "probing crimes" against Kurds, staged attacks and disappeared Kurds, you should take a look at your own people and in Syria as well, as there are very much still genocidal-carousels instigated and Kurds disappearing in Syria!
Hamas: "Arab Summit "weak" on Palestinian plight."
NINEWA / A policeman was killed and four others were wounded Monday in an improvised explosive device explosion in western Mosul, a police source said. “An explosive charge went off on Monday (March 30) targeting a police vehicle patrol in al-Yarmouk neighborhood in western Mosul, killing a policeman and injuring four,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
“Police forces on Monday (March 30) found an amount of TNT in a deserted house in Bab al-Jadied region in central Mosul,” a source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
The director of the al-Hamadaniya office of the Ninewa immigration department was killed on Monday and another employee was injured by unknown gunmen in the north of Mosul, a police source said. “The gunmen on Monday (March 30) opened fire on the office in al-Arabi neighborhood in north of Mosul, killing the official and injuring an employee,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
An Iraqi soldier and a gunman were killed in clashes that erupted in eastern Mosul on Monday, Police forces on Monday found three bodies belonging to Sahwa fighters in Babel province, according to a local media source. Meanwhile, a Sahwa council member was wounded when an improvised explosive device (IED) targeted his vehicle in al-Iskandriya district (50 km north of Hilla),” the source added.
Four police personnel on Sunday were injured in an explosive charge blast that occurred in Anbar province, according to a police source. “An improvised explosive device (IED) detonated near a police patrol vehicle near Anbar University, wounding four police personnel and causing damage to their vehicle,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.“The wounded were rushed to the Ramadi General Hospital,” the source added.
Eight security personnel from the Kirkuk Districts’ Police Department were wounded on Sunday when an improvised explosive device (IED) went off near their patrol in the southern part of the city, the KDPD chief said. “The policemen were injured while they were on duty near al-Bahrain souks (markets) in southern Kirkuk,” Brig. Sarhad Qader told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
An improvised explosive device went off near an Iraqi army patrol, leaving an officer wounded, while a policeman was wounded when gunmen opened fire on him in eastern Mosul city, a police source said on Saturday. “The IED targeted the Iraqi army patrol in Dora Sayedati al-Jameela, eastern Mosul, wounding an officer in the rank of major,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
A policeman was wounded when gunmen opened fire on him on Saturday while he was on a leave of absence near his home in al-Nabi Younis area, eastern Mosul.
Three gunmen who opened fire at security forces in central al-Dor district were arrested on Friday, a police source from Salah al-Din said. “Quick Response forces captured three masked gunmen who opened machine-gun fire at a security headquarters in central al-Dor,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
29-03-An explosive charge blew up targeting a patrol of Kirkuk police near al-Bahrain markets in al-Askari quarter in the city of Kirkuk on Sunday, March 29. The explosion wounded 5 of the patrol’s and 3 civilians and damaged the patrol vehicle”, lieutenant colonel Kamil Ahmed, the Aide of al-Miqdad police chief exclusively told PUKmedia correspondent.
A Saudi member of the self-styled “Islamic State of Iraq” on Thursday was detained by Iraqi army personnel for recruiting gunmen in Diala province, according to an intelligence source. “Today, an Iraqi army force conducted a raid on a main al-Qaeda stronghold in central Baaquba city, during which a Saudi leader in the so-called ‘Islamic State of Iraq’, Mohammed Abdullah al-Hassan, nicknamed Abu Salman, was captured,” Ziyad al-Aani told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.“Abu Salman has been wanted by Saudi and Iraqi authorities for five years for recruiting Arab gunmen in Iraq,” Aani explained.
Policemen in Diala captured on Sunday nine members of Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and seized a weapons cache to the northeast of Baaquba city, according to the Diala police chief. “Security forces conducted operations in different areas of Abi Sayda area, detaining nine AQI members wanted by virtue of Article 4 of the law on terror,” Maj. General Abdulhussein al-Shimari told Aswat al-Iraq news agency. “The raiding forces also seized a cache containing munitions and light and medium weapons,” Shimari added.
Combined army-police force seized a large weapons and explosives cache south of the district of Mandili on Friday, a security source in Diala said. “Several RPG and BKC weapons, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 12 kg of explosive material, hundreds of mortar shells and some light arms were found in a cache in Nada area,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
Iraqi army forces on Friday arrested two al-Qaeda members in Makhmour district in southwest of Arbil, an army source said. “Iraqi army forces arrested two al-Qaeda wanted men on the road between al-Qayara and Makhmour, southwest of Arbil,” the source told Aswat a-Iraq news agency. “The wanted men are suspected of being involved in attacks on security forces and citizens,” he added. The wanted men are suspected of being involved in attacks on security forces and citizens.
Police forces Thursday saved a security guard of the chief of the criminal court from kidnappers in southwestern Kirkuk, a senior police officer said. “Police forces on Thursday morning (Mar. 26) managed to save one of the security guards of the chief of the criminal court in Kirkuk, when unknown gunmen attempted to kidnap him in al-Waseti neighborhood in southwestern of the city while heading to his work,” Colonel Ahmad Shmirani told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
Source: Aswat al-Iraq
Punjab police chief Khawaja Khalid Farooq and a military spokesman said eight recruits were killed. although there had been reports the toll would be higher because there were 900 cadets in the academy at the time. Three of the militants blew themselves up during the final assault and commandos rescued 10 police officers held hostage inside the main building. Malik said the wounded taken to hospital were being screened to ensure no militants were hiding among them. Television news channels showed jubilant police shouting praise to Allah, making "V" for victory signs with their fingers, and firing in the air in celebration minutes after the last firefight at the end of the eight-hour siege.
The gunmen attacked in groups of three or four from all sides while police recruits were going through their regular morning drill on the parade ground at about 7:30 a.m. (0230 GMT). A wounded policeman described the attack to reporters gathered round his hospital bed. "A grenade hit the platoon next to ours ... then there was continuous firing for about 20 minutes," he said. "A man in light-colored clothes -- I think they were white -- stood in front of us, firing at us. They wanted to do as much damage as possible." The gunmen went on to occupy the academy's main building, and another wounded policeman recounted how he jumped from a second-floor window to escape when the gunmen burst into a room and opened fire. Just before 4 p.m., commandos launched an operation to retake the building, at the climax of a joint operation by the army, paramilitary rangers and a crack police squad. "Our forces stormed the top floor where they were holding positions," said Major-General Shafqaat Ahmed, commander of the Lahore army garrison. Before the siege ended, Punjab police chief Farooq said one of the suspected attackers had been caught. Footage showed police kicking a bearded man on the ground before leading him through a throng of journalists.
By Kamran, Additional reporting by Mohsin Raza, Robert Birsel and Zeeshan Haider; Writing by Simon Cameron-Moore; editing by Andrew Dobbie
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Well...Then..Busy...Are we..So..Now the North Koreans believes every one are their enemies and that the whole world will fall down on them..
So why are not the U.S., China and every one else working onto solve issues with North Korea as their children, economy and bilateral exchanges are the ones suffering, while a few psychopaths sits on their thrones on a safe distance, aiding in actions of war every where except at their own "backyard" where they sits safe having dinner while others pays for their actions in Gaza and in the whole region and beyond..We guess the Iranian regime will take care of all the children in North Korea and feed them and all North Korea´s business on the internationally market then..But we wouldn´t count on it..They are actually not that responsible people caring for others they claim they are!
Well.."Tayyip Erdogan sends his children to school in America, while he sends ours to fight in the mountains."
On May 20th, 2008, the Agence France-Presse reported that over 20 villages in the Bashdar region northeast of Silemani have been bombed by the Iranian military. As a result of these bombardments, over 120 families have been forced to leave their homes. According to a statement released through Voices of Iraq (VOI), “Rizka, Mardo, Shinawa, Sorkola, Sordi, Arka, Basta, Toutmi, were the most targeted villages in the Qandeel Mountains. According to several reports beginning last November (2007), most notably from Reuters, the KRG banned journalists from entering the region. Despite such conditions, the United Nations and members of the International Community have failed to take any proper action to stop the bombardments. According to several reports, the Kurdistan Regional Government has taken steps by asking the United Nations to help stop the bombing of border villages. So far, there has been no signal of a response by the U.N. regarding these events. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), despite calling for U.N. intervention on more than one occassion, has also played a counterproductive role by disallowing journalists and other groups to enter the region. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that the media blockade has reduced the number of airstrikes against the region. Alliance for Kurdish Rights (AKR).
March 11th, 2009
"The Kurdistan nationalist shop front is a continuation of the reactionary social and political relations left behind from a feudal, tribal system (landowners etc.) and a more recent, weak, small-time bourgeoisie. Their wheeler-dealing with the central government in Baghdad in the name of the rights of the Kurdish people has always turned against the interests of the majority of Kurds. There is no doubt that there is a direct relation between this form of negotiation and a recognition of their mutual class interests. As much as they call themselves representatives of Iraqis and Kurds, both are criminally responsible throughout their history for the past and present situation of the people of Iraq and Kurdistan."
Remzi Kartal, a founding member of the Kurdistan National Congress and former DEP MP, was arrested at the request of Turkey on 26 March 2009 in Madrid. According to AFP/Expatica Remzi Kartal has an international warrant out against him since 2006 and Turkey is waiting for a request for his extradition. Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Babacan said Turkey is waiting untill Kartal faces court and then will request his extradition.
March 26 2009 - 6 children separately have been sentenced to 6 years in jail by Adana Heavy Penalty Court on the grounds that “committing crime and taking on a task behalf of an illegal organization” and “damaging properties for terror.” Mentioned children had been arrested in connection with participating in demonstrations in Adana. Children are trailing in the Heavy Penalty Court and being sentenced to long term in jail through police records in Turkey. Lastly 6 children aged between 14-17 years have been sentenced to 6 years in jail by Adana Heavy Penalty Court on the grounds that “committing crime and taking on a task behalf of an illegal organization” and “damaging properties for terror.”Court’s decision has been reduced according to Turkish Criminal Code’s article 31/2 which is using for children. Lawyers criticized the conviction for being unlawful; Court accepted police reports as prove for children’s crime. There were no evidences such as photographs, video records or any kind of concrete evidences in the case’s file. Besides those children had been taken into custody from different places not around or during the demonstration as it must be, said Cemþit Tabak, one of lawyers for children. “Abstract explanations play the important role on court decisions which is unlawful. In addition for example O.Ç, 15, had been punished by his statement which is also against the Turkish Criminal Code. Besides that conviction in last 5 months total 41 children had been sentenced by Adana’s 6,7 and 8th Heavy Penalty Courts to total 143 years 6 months 9 days in jail.
We guess Mr Tayyip Erdogan shall #¤%"¤" live up tho his promises to change the conditions for Kurdish children and youths according to international standards. Start cooperating with DTP instead of harassing them, use those channels that in fact ARE in both DTP, Turkey, Iraqi, Iraqi Kurdistan and internationally to solve and end this violence and genocidal "war-fare", get the hell out of Iraq and the totally destruction Turkey have caused there. And in other respects shut the hell up! As people that actually LIVES in Kirkuk are very much able to solve the issues between each other in Kirkuk and have both assistance and support by U.N!
Turkey shall "#¤¤ use those channels that are, and can have bilateral exchanges with both Iraq and the Kurds without going rampage and ravaging like some "#¤¤ Neanderthals!
Well..It´s obvious there are a few psychopaths and "brigades" using 1.5 millions of Palestinians in Gaza in a genocidal "war-fare" as well!

And it´s obvious they don´t give a damn about the plight of the Gaza citizens or the Gaza children! And it´s obvious Israel have enough unrest, violence, used Palestinians and factions to take the Palestinians to death and destruction in a psychopathic "war-fare" against Palestinians, Israelis and the whole #¤¤ region..So why don´t Israel solve these working issues and let those work that want to work as one way among others to counter destructive actions, unrest, destruction and death! Especially since there are talk about "building up and economically strengthen"!
Ma'an - The Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas movement, threatened on Saturday...... - Al-Quds claim attack on Israeli Special Forces in Khan Younis.
So..There will be a summit..It could be a start.. and to figure out if it´s a start one #¤"¤ need to be there..
Nechirvan Barzani told reporters in the regional capital of Arbil that it was "not reasonable for a group to carry out attacks against a state and then return to our region." On March 23, Talabani, himself a Kurd, said during a trip to Baghdad by Gul that the PKK "must become involved in political and parliamentary life instead of resorting to weapons, since using guns does wrong to Kurds and Iraqis.
"What is strange, to say the least, is that Ankara arms 90,000 Kurdish mercenaries and at the same time wants to disarm us," Qiralian said of anti-PKK groups. "We will never accept talks if preconditional on us disarming."
And the Iraqi government get the Turkish and Iranian military the hell out of Iraq or you WILL have more #¤¤% problems! We boycott Iraqi oil and the word is spread FAST! Turkey is boycotted in several ways for several reasons and they will have every one else #¤% boycotted if you don´t watch out! You are not protected by banning media coverage over the destruction of the whole "#¤¤ north of Iraq/South of Kurdistan! Idiots!
And as we said: Meanwhile some PKK-Kurds do not #¤¤ dare to stage any attacks now!
We have an eye on you as well..
Even if the Iraqi authority have been short of money Awakening shall have their salaries,for the work they do, even if it happens it can be delayed or may happen that there are other problems. It´s not that strange if the employment is low in Iraq right now. Do not become destructive, just because some ones delays your salaries..Stay strong.
Yeah...Save the planet..
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Lights went out at tourism landmarks and homes across the globe on Saturday for Earth Hour 2009, a global event designed to highlight the threat from climate change.
JERUSALEM – An Israeli official close to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says a prisoner swap deal with Hamas is all but impossible before Olmert leaves office. Cabinet Secretary Oved Yehezkel says contacts are ongoing. But he told Army Radio on Sunday that he assumes "matters will wait for the new government" to be sworn in this week. Israel and Hamas are discussing a deal that would see hundreds of Palestinian prisoners freed in return for an Israeli soldier captured in a cross-border raid in 2006. Egyptian-mediated talks broke down earlier this month. Israel said it couldn't agree to the list of militants Hamas wants freed, including some implicated in killing Israelis in bomb attacks. Yehezkel says Hamas hasn't provided a new list of prisoners.
Turkey with every ones support are having a genocidal "war-fare" one taking over the other non stop. Hamas and 200 Palestinian factions are taking "care of it".. against their own people all by themselves..Well..They have a little "help" by those being busy with another genocide..On the "other side of the genocidal "war-fare" carousel..before 9/11..During WWI and during WWII and between WWII and the Golf war, during the golf war and after..9/11 during the Iraq war and after..We bet they just want a little bit of war to last just a little bit longer! Well..It´s not that much differences between Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians, Christians, Kurds, Palestinians, Iraqis, Sunnis, Shiites, Afghans, Pashtuns, Somalis, Africans, children, elderly, sisters, students, teachers and brothers. Baby bears, puppets and dogs, cats, horses or anything that moves! Or any one else for that matter..Are there..
Well..yeah....It´s genocide..Not suicide..genocide..A genocidal "war-fare"..
"To abandon our arms without a political solution to our issues means a way to easy condition for Turkey in their genocide since the early 19th century."
Karayilan spoke in response to written questions submitted by a journalist. He urged the Turkish government to begin a dialogue with the PKK to resolve Kurdish issues. "If the Turkish government wants to solve our issue seriously, they should release 4,000 of our leaders who are in the Turkish custody," he said. "They should be freed as a goodwill gesture, then a cease-fire, sit down for negotiations to spell out our national rights within the Turkish state."
Defend yourselves and participate in dialogues and respond to the Kurdish authority to work out calm conditions in your own "#¤¤ backyard..You are not dependent on psychopathic genocidal Turks to have dialogues on your own "backyard" as a beginning! You will have a summit and representatives will be there, so be there..It´s a start..
Meanwhile the Iraqi and Kurdish leadership get the Turks military the hell out of there if they want to sell some "#¤¤ oil!
And do not some #¤¤&%# PKK-Kurds dare to incite some attack meanwhile! You ALL take your #¤" responsibilities without exceptions!
Neither a few psychopaths in Iran, Turkey, Syria or Obama, Britain, Germany or WHICH ever rule this world! CONSUMERS ARE!
WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A “Special Groups” leader on Saturday was arrested during a raid in northern Wassit province, according to a local commander. “The leader, who is believed to have been involved in armed operations against civilians and Iraqi security forces, was captured during a raid on a house in al-Aziziya district,” the commander of the Quick Response Department (QRD) in Wassit, Maj. Aziz Lateef, told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.“The arrest was made in accordance with Article IV of the Terrorism Law.‘Special Groups’ is the name given to elements that have links with Iran.
Get the Turkish and Iranian military and their destruction of the whole "#¤¤ region in north/south the hell out of Iraq! NOW! Or you WILL have problem getting out your #¤¤ oil trough Turkey! We #¤¤ boycott Iraqi oil! #¤¤ J'a psychopaths!
We boycott Turkey, their genocides on both humans and animals and everything that moves! And we can #¤¤ boycott Iraqi oil through Turkey and Russia´s #¤¤ pipe lines as well! We can #¤¤¤¤¤¤ drill for warming up our houses from the grounds and mountains until you have start to act as normal human beings! Idiots!
You want a economical crises? You can have a REAL such! If that´s what you want!
While we already are "at it"..You could in fact consider that the whole #¤¤# future on humanity hings on the wealth fare of the whole Kurdish people from now on!
Yeah.."Wacko"..Isn´t it..We mean..genocides..And Turkey´s genocides..are such a normal thing to do..For humanity.."It´s going on routine"..And every one are pleased..It´s just deprive people every here and there every rights and then just come back and kill them all if they demand their rights back!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Well..Yeah..it´s obvious! Which are the wacko ones..?
Iraq is a sovereign country with it´s rights to "##¤ solve it´s own problems they way Iraqis and Kurds wants! If there are communications and solutions that can be achieved. Iraq, or Kurds are not "#¤¤ dependent on psychopaths that DO NOT WANT SOLUTIONS, but claiming it´s Iraq´s problems and their own domestic problems at the same "#¤¤ time! Claiming they work to achieve better human rights protections to Kurds at the same time they refuse to answer on calls for solutions to be busy murdering Kurds, after their own "## people have staged attacks, just like in 1955! Destroying the whole ares and peoples lives in a on going genocide since the last ones, as a "## BEAST crawling up after 9/11!
Communicate...have your summit, start working on solutions on your own "#¤¤ backyard first, and the rest can follow or just "## GO TO HELL!
And the Iraqi leadership shall be very aware of that they have no rights what so ever to get used to let people suffer in some #¤¤ limbo between Iran, Iraq and Turkey´s genocidal "war-fares"! But have a responsibility towards any ones living inside your "##¤ borders to NOT BE EXPOSED TO THIS CRIMES! And it has nothing to do what some politicians from Turkey, U.S., Britain or where ever from says, because the real consumers are the people and the people do NOT WANT GENOCIDAL-OIL! Whether they are Americans, Britons, Europeans or whatever from! Then a few politicians can EAT their #¤¤ oil, if they don´t want to stop a genocidal "war-fare" but instead are aiding and supporting it!
The Iraqi leadership better start working with the Kurdish on sultions and stop this crimes!
If you want to sell some #¤¤% oil! We put a #¤¤ ban on Iraqi oil until you have get the genocidal Turks and their military the hell out of there! And a few politicians from the U.S. or where ever from have NOTHING WHAT SO EVER TO SAY ABOUT IT!
It´s not Kurds or Iraqis that are a threat to Iraq! It comes from outside!
By Waleed Ibrahim; Writing by Tim Cocks; Editing by Giles Elgood
The threat against Iraq comes from outside! So now when you all have cooperating to get rid of al-Qaida it´s just pitting you against each other! We have no problems what so ever to recognize psychopathic manipulations, pressure, oppression and meddling in Iraq from people outside of Iraq!
Get a "#¤¤ grip on yourselves and get ready for your power sharing in Kirkuk! Neither Kurds, Arabs or Turkmen needs Turkey´s or any ones else approval to start work together and settle the issues of Kirkuk! Just get started and you will have no problems working it out and the rest can go to hell!
The threat against Iraq comes from outside and it´s not just a threat against Iraq - It´s a threat against humanity! Obvious!
After 9/11...
Iranian Kurdish refugee outside his tent at a refugee camp near Baghdad. Kurdish villagers have had to flee from the north due to US-sanctioned ethnic cleansing by Turkish and Iranian airstrikes. AFP/Safin Hamed August 11, 2008
"Economic, cultural and social rights"..
"Look at what we have been discussing."
A word? Waking up now are we? Well..It´s a process..Sometimes painful..
And then..Fascist stateS and their genocides..
And after both Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen have agreed on power sharing in Kirkuk, have destroyed everything in Kurdish areas, attacking both Kurds and Christians just as a continuing of their genocidal "War-fares" they have maintained all the time.
And instead of responding on case fires and calls, from Kurds demanding their human rights, keep murdering those Kurds, as they have done since the early 19th´s, and at the same time claiming to improving Kurds their human rights!
And sits in Iraqi Kurdistan and demanding Kurds to be a part in thier genocidal "war-fare" against the Kurdish people since the early 19th century.. After Britain came to the conclusion that Kurds tends to get shot rather than taken prisoners as they were labeled "rebels" already at the same time as the Armenians, have chased Kurds from Kurdistan in the 20s to the streets of London to be harassed and violated, just as in Germany, will take control of face book and together with the rest and Turkey trying to censor and shut people up. And all together are violating people world wide! Americans and others must be very happy and wake up to see what the hell they sacrificed their brothers and children for!
We assume there are no coincident there are both Somali war lords and Afghan war lords in London, while there are genocidal "war-fares" world wide!
So just "#¤¤ GO TO HELL!You have seen nothing yet!
Abraham walked among the Kurds, through the Mittanis land..There´s where he got influences from..None thing else..

Friday, March 27, 2009
Turkey seeks Iraqi Kurd ties
And keep killing those demanding their human rights at the same time you claim you are making efforts improving conditions for giving Kurds their human rights! It´s "### psychopathic! And not just that; you are breaking every law there are on this planet!
Now..TAKE A "## GRIP ON YOURSELVES AND YOUR MILITARY THE HELL OUT OF IRAQI KURDISTAN! And you will have every help you need with ties to both Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, pipe lines and come to solutions to end this genocidal "war-fare"!
Take a "#¤ lesson in life! Idiots!
It´s just need some "## balance..
So why don´t every one keep speaking to North Korea instead of waiting for something coming falling down! Gousch!
Well then..
Why don´t start with getting Turkey and their genocidal "war-fares", destroying everything the villagers and others have built up, oppressing and using both Iraqis and the Kurds for their own selfish purposes, all under the U.S. sanctions, the hell out of there!
And have the referendum on Kirkuk! If Israel wants pipe lines through Turkey they can have that what ever we care! But for others we do have DEMANDS on how goods are manufactured and delivered! We speak to the Georgians if we want to! There can be pipe lines from Kurdistan up to Georgien as well! Nothing is impossible! This planets resources are plenty enough for ALL and not just for a few! And the U.S. could get their troops out through Jordan, Kuwait or what ever, if it doesn´t suits Turkey to start act like normal beings! And not just enough with that they should be put on trial and why not the U.S. as well for sanctioning a genocidal "war-fare" that has been on going since the Armenian genocide!
Both Arabs, Turkmen and Kurds have declared they want a power sharing in Kirkuk, it´s obvious there are a few psychopaths and their genocidal "war-fares" standing in the way! Psychopathic manipulations used for commit genocides and crimes against humanity in the 20s or 60s does NOT work in 2009!
It´s really about time the U.S. together with Britain, Germany and every one else stop acting as Turkey, and stop shuffle people around on this planet as you think pleases you and start thinking of your "#¤¤# reputation as well!
So.....It´s not the Iranian peoples fault!
Send in a mediator or something because the problem is not that there are any ones in opposition! People in this whole world are in opposition!
It´s a terrible old deep wound here..But it´s not the Iranian peoples fault! It´s a old remain left by others that have used them against each other as every one else have been or still are in this region! Like Turkey still do against the Kurds! ONE DO NOT BEHAVE THAT WAY!
It´s not the Iranian peoples fault! IT´S NOT!
"Saddam allowed the Iranian exiles to establish their base north of Baghdad in 1986 to launch raids into Iran. At the same time, many Iraqi Shiites fled to Iran and fought on the Iranian side against Iraq." Yeah..Both Iranians and Iraqis were used by Saddam and Ayatolla Khomeini, for nothing but their own interests and purposes! They had Iraqis attacking Iraq and Iranians attacking Iran! You should wake up and realize people were just used and be even then!
End the suffering of the Iranian people! The Iranian people are not the Iranian nation´s or the Iranian regime´s enemy! Stop treating the Iranian people as your enemies!
Justifications? Clarifications? Explanations?
We do believe we need National Security Adviser Mouwaffak al-Rubaie and the Iraqi authority to give us more detailed explanations that we would find acceptable for such a move. Otherwise we can in fact believe the Iraqi regime is just a puppet to the Iranian as the only in opposition to the Iranian regime are those people. The rest are jailed or dead! In fact we need something we can find acceptable or we maybe should set a price tag on the Iraqi leaderships relation with the Iranian regime on ½ million death Iraqis. And the other ½ million on a price tag to the Syrian and the Baath sect, and the other ½ million on Turkey. And another a couple of thousands on the Iraqi regime themselves. And another couple of thousands on the rest!
While the Iraqi regime give statements they will not accept attacks on their neighbouring countries from Iraqi soil at the same time there are genocidal "war-fares" still going on carried out by those same countries, on Iraqi soil!
Saddam and the Iranian psychopath had a "deal" which served both interests and the ones that had to pay the price for it were the Iraqis and the Iranians, as it all went out of hand when Ayatolla Khomeini stabbed Saddam in the back and every one else as he refused to end the war and was more than willing to commit genocide on his own people and on every one else that happened to stand in the way for him to spread his cemented dictatorship Saddam helped him to do, taking over Iraq and spread it. The Iranian regime have gone in those footsteps and in fact not done a thing to change those conditions, but have lived and breath on it on their "throne" the same way at the expense of the whole Iranian nation and every one else! In fact..We very much doubt they know how to or want to run a country in another way! The Iraqis should ask themselves how the "#¤#¤¤ they want their future to look like!
It would really be about time to wake up and realize you have a Baath sect in Syria, the same Iranian regime on the "other side", which both have very much in common, and all of them together with Turkey having a genocidal "war-fare" since the early 20s on Iraqi soil at this very minute, after 1½ millions of Iraqis the genocide is still going on!
The Iranian and Turkey´s problems are not in Iraq! Their problems are not that it´s a couple of people in opposition, or Kurds! It´s just used as pretext to commit crimes against their own people, Kurds and humanity! It´s not about a couple of people in oppositions! This whole "#¤¤ world is in opposition!
To be fair..That goes for every one else that have used this region and planet as their private proxy playground for centuries as well!
Yeah? Clever idiot!
Turkish and Iranian artillery bombs Kurdistan region territory
Arbil ( AsiaNews) - This “is a cry of pain addressed to the international community. Do not let Turkish airplanes continue to violate Kurdish airspace and bomb its territory: the only ones suffering are innocent civilians. More than 200 villages have been struck, people who have just returned are fleeing again, and there is violence and fear: this is the price of the aggression that we are suffering”. These words are from Rabban al Qas, bishop of Arbil, who condemns the Turkish attack on Kurdistan. The Turkish troops crossed the border with Iraq the night of February 21, in an operation aimed at striking Kurdish separatists of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party). The bishop of Arbil, who speaks in the name of his “brother bishops, of the Muslim religious leaders, and above all of the population, the sole victim of this aggression”, says the Turkish armed vehicles and airplanes in the Iraqi territory “are destroying everything that we have so laboriously rebuilt in recent years”.
According to Bishop al Qas, the attack unleashed last night by the Turkish troops in Kurdish territory “is not aimed at striking the PKK rebels. They are not in the villages near the border, the zones struck by the bombings, but far away from the mountains. I saw with my own eyes six Turkish planes attacking a Christian village where military installations have never been seen”. As soon as the troops penetrated the territory, “the population fled: this is even more painful if one considers how much effort the provincial government made to bring back from Syria and Jordan all those who had fled because of the war. The Turks have destroyed foot bridges, essential for moving from one village to another, and have concentrated their action on the areas mostly inhabited by Christian civilians”. Europe and the United States, like Christians and Muslims of the entire world, “cannot remain indifferent before what is happening. We need the help and prayers of all: peace must return, or the situation will never return to normal”.
Bishop of Arbil
Friday, March 28, 2008
Iran Resumes Bombing Kurdish Villages Author: Niroj
On Thursday evening, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards resumed bombarding the Kurdish border villages of Rizgah, Shinawa, Spigle, Maraud and Arke in Pishder district, and Sulaimani province. 6 villages were de-populated in the shelling, 4 houses were demolished, and dozens of families were relocated to areas far from the border. The shelling, in August, sent hundreds of Iraqi Kurds fleeing remote mountain villages near Iraq’s eastern frontier. The Kurdistan Regional Government Coordinator of the United Nations, Dr. Dindar Zebari expressed his displeasure of Iranian artillery shelling and called on the Iraqi government to exert more efforts to stop the bombing as soon as possible. Zebari called on the United Nations agencies, humanitarian and charities organizations to support and assist civilians affected by the bombing.
Iranian Kurdish refugee outside his tent at a refugee camp near Baghdad. Kurdish villagers have had to flee from the north due to US-sanctioned ethnic cleansing by Turkish and Iranian airstrikes. AFP/Safin Hamed) August 11, 2008
19/3/2009 Iranian artillery shelled on Wednesday heavily villages on the series of mountain between Iraq-Iran border. The shelling placed heavily Razga and maradw villages which are near Zharawa district in Sulaymaniyah province. The shelling began at early in the morning and lasted for half an hour, but ther were no casualties, The Director of Zharawa said. Many villagers have been displaced, killed and wounded because of Iranian bombardment.
President Guel arrived in Baghdad on Monday and met Iraqi leaders including President Jalal Talabani and Iraqi premier. President Gul, PM al-Maliki discuss Iraqi-Turkish relations.
24/3/ 2009 Turkish President Abdullah Guel, in Kurdistan Region.
25/3/2009- Iraqis ask amnesty for PKK, Turkey refuse it
25-03-2009 Arham Salih and Walid al-Muallem discuss ways of reinforcing bilateral relations. The Iraqi Deputy PM Dr. Barham Salih along with several Iraqi officials received the Syrian delegation led by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem, Syrian Vice President Muhamed Nasif, and the Syrian Ambassador in Iraq Nawaf Abud.
26-03-2009 Turkish artillery bombs Kurdistan region territory. A well informed source from Mizori area in Zakho district, Duhok Province siad “the Turkish artillery bombed the border villages in Mizori area at 8:00am today March 26th, 2009. The bombardment caused material damages only without any casualties.”The source added “the Turkish artillery bombed the same area on Wednesday March 25th
And then..Another joke..
25-03-2009 KRG premier Nechirvan Barzani met with Mrs. Ann Claude, member of British Parliament and envoy of British PM for human rights in Iraq.
Nearly 70 mass graves were found in Hamreen mountain area. The remnants are expected to be Kurdish civilians...
On 12 March 2009, the fifth anniversary of the killings during the Qamishli uprising in 2004, 30 university students were arrested in Alepo for commemorating this day. Four of the students are still missing – Bahzad Muslim, Kawa Deqo, Alan Hussein and Abdi Rami. On 16 March two Kurds disappeared off the streets in Damascus, kidnapped by the intelligence security – Fouad Hassan Hussein born 1982, from Durbassia town and Maher Sattam Hussein, a student of geography at Damascus University. On 20 March, six people were arrested in al-Hasaka including Mr Suleman Oso, a leader in the Political Committee of the Yekiti Party. He was with others preparing for the Newroz celebrations when about one hundred officers from the police and the army arrived, including General Yassar Selman al-Shofi. They had a bulldozer with them which they used to break the stage.
In al-Hasaka, Turbaspea, Amuda, Deyrick, Qobane and Romelan towns, the stages set up for the celebrations were also destroyed by the authorities. On the evening of 20 March, 10,000 armed police and intelligence security services arrested over 120 Kurds and hit and swore at women in Sheikh Maqsood and al-Ashrafiya areas of Alepo during their candlelit Newroz party. Also on 20 March at the celebration in Sereqaniyeh town a teenager was arrested; in Amuda, two people were arrested; in Deyrick town a group of children were beaten and arrested. These people are still detained at the time of writing.
The Assad regime has armed the Arab settlers in the Kurdish region as a means to intimidate and harass local Kurds.
Well...yeah..Turkey planted 3.200 more landmines and cleared the border between Syria and Iraq from landmines, while Syria have officers trained in Iran there! After have cut off the waters into both Syria and Iraq and caused drought for decades, conflicts and suffering of several nations in the region, And the rest is just a #¤¤# bunch of idiots and criminals!
The Palestinian people should be very observant how Assad and the regime in Syria, Turkey, the Iranian regime, and a lot more managing people, the Kurds and "things" right now!