Saturday, January 31, 2009
Notes by Ahmet Türk in EUTCC Conference, Brussels
To begin with, in the name of myself and my party I like to congratulate and appreciate all friends and comrades for their great efforts during working for and organizing this fifth international conference. Moreover, I vail in front of remembrance of dear intellectual dear friend Harold Pinter. Mr Pinter was a real intellectual and courageous friend. He was representing the true intellectual conscience that we need the most nowadays. We know that being suited to his dear remembrance is to go on struggling for democracy and peace from who we inherited.
This international conference organized under the name of "EU-Turkey and the Kurds" corresponds to a quiet important period in the context of the timen particularly through which we have been living. Historical changes have been occurring worldwide including either in Europe and USA or in Middle East and Turkey. The state of global economic crisis having influence on all the world, caused by neo-liberal politfies of economics, and the warn, conflicts and by-social protests occurred by both domestic and foreign security based political approaches of nation-states have required new govemmental approaches and power structures for the stability of the system. We have been needing to a juster, more equal and more controllable political economy for a more democratic, more tolerant and more pluralistic governmental approach as an absolute necessity for the sustainability of system.
There have appeared the societal and political conditions in order to constitute a new order for the whole world pioneering by the leftists, socialists, social-democrats and progressive democrats. From this point of view, the new American government leading by presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, and the success level I have been hoping from Party of European Socialists (PES), European Leftist Party, Greens and progressive Democrats at the prospective elections in June can be evaluated as indicators of this new order. We have attached a great deal of importance to this forthcoming European election to the extent of triggering a re¬contact process for EU and its foundation philosophy, I mean, moving forward towards a union of regions and communities rather than a union of nation-states.
After making a brief evaluation of the present conditions our world has experienced, I am going to try sharing my views with you on EU-Turkey and Kurdish Question in this broad perspective. First of all, as a political party, we always advocated and have still supported EU-Turkey accession process. Dear people of whose we are representatives is the most crowded population supporting the accession process among the Overall Turkey population. When we glance at the results of the related surveys, we nee that EU-Turkey membership process is esteemed most in Kurdish geography. The reasons of this level of support is very clear: governing of Turkey with a perfect democracy, adopting the diversity as a richness, honoring to the fundamental rights and liberties, guarantying cultural and political rights of all communities including Kurdish people, and finally, following a more contemporary, equitable and fairer development program. However, after constituting partial reforms in 2002-2003, in its very firnt governing years and immediately afterwards of starting accession talks for füll membership process, AKP government laid reforms aside. In particular, AKP almost forgot the Copenhagen Criteria which is the fundamental condition of being a füll member EU for Turkey. Instead of fit, she strengthened Anti-Terror Act and Police Authority Act with completely anti-democratic and anti-human rights articles. As a result of this authoritarian governing experience, a great rise came about at the numbers of torture-mistreatment-death and injury under surveillance conditions. Principally, the level violence applied by police against Kurdish people living in Kurdish geography and metropolises came into existence in a very striking and public way that there has probably neuer dope before. In short, the democratic and legitimate struggle of Kurdish people for getting her cultural and political rights was considered under these acts and defined a criminal and security problem.
- In this context, let me share with you our one and half-year democratic struggle adventure as DTP in parliament. Following of 2007 July Elections, as you know, we succeeded to exist a political group in Turkish Grand National Assembly in spite of all sorts of barricades. In this one and half-year legislature period, as DTP, we went through with a strikingly amazing parliamentary struggle for democracy and rule of law. Additionally, we went on being together with our people physically supporting their democratic activities. Yet, we could not fulfill the mission we took upon ourselves completely due to the govemment's exclusive and otherisation attitudes directed towards us, whereas TGNA had a relatively pluralistic composition, firnt time in its very history, thanks to our existence. Seen, a closure case was opened by Constitutional Court, and pogroms campaigns started against us. Though, we succeeded to exist by going en struggling democratically en the grounds of always legitimste and lawful principles.
I can say this very frankly we showed and made evident by our struggle in parliament that AKP, achieving to the power by seeming very reformist and libertarian movement to electorate massen, has very reactionary-conservative and authoritarian inclinations. We brought to light her oppressive and discriminative potentials by holding en stubbomly our democratic and societal political live. At the end, Mr. Prime Minister acted very insolently by meaning "love it or leave it" to our people who carried out democratic civil disobedience activities for protesting government applications. This molto, as you know, has no longer been used in even political dictionaries of chauvinistic parties. Democratic Society Party besame very insistent of enlarging the Limits of classical political arena, drawn by Status quo, by arguing solution programs and studies for Turkey's primary structural problems leading Kurdish one, en a hand. She functioned as a litmus paper for showing to all public eye the true face of AKP govemment, en the other hand. The aim of me by analyzing characteristics of government is to make evident for anyone to sec the AKP's iselation politics against Kurdish Question's peaceful and democratic solution opportunities.
Honestly, if AKP had been a government believing in values of EU, She would have used the solution opportunities of a political party that was democratically elected and existed in parliament potentially has in order to open a way of settlement for the most buming question of republic history. She would have constituted Copenhagen Criteria by getting our Support. She would have taken European public eye attention to the progressive changes in Turkey. She would have taken the steps of democratization and pluralisation. Unfortunately, AKP did not act in this way. On the other hand, when we consider the dominant EU's stance en accession, we nee that an approach, awakening nationalism in Turkey, takes over gradually. In particular, the fast that EU has been ruled by conservative and rightist politics in recent years has a great deal en making this sort of approach. The sorts of expressions like privileged membership have been causing a great deal rise of popular nationalism, which has been either blinked en or supported evidently by AKP govemment.
As a party, either during our visits to Brussels or periodic meetings with EU Commission authorities, we have always mentioned a reality that Kurdish Question is characteristically a universal set of all structural problems which are main handicaps for democratization of Turkey. Let is not to be considered as a terror problem with a very short and narrow political horizon. Unless there occurred a direct political Intervention for settlement of the question, it is very clear that any of linked handicaps will not be solved. Therefore, we have mentioned an immediately need for establishing an Observing Committee of Kurdish Question in order to make periodic meetings with the sides having potential to influence the nature of the case. We talked about this Suggestion with Mr. Barosso as well when he visited Turkey last year.
Dear Friends, Dear Fellows,
An other issue that I like to mention is about "Democratic Autonomy Project" that we suggest to attention of public eye and TGNA en settlement of primary democracy Gases including Kurdish Question as well. At the very essence of this project, there is an oller en comprehensive reformation of Turkish public and administrative structure in accordance with "subsidiarity" principle for making a participatory and decentralized new administrative system. Turkey, exceeding more than 70 million populations and suffering in a "misgovernment" cycle due to the centralized and gross bureaucracy, thus, with this style of administration, can not be a member of EU. Thereby, a re-rebuilding process is a raust for Turkey in accordance with the concept "regions of Europe", an essential approach of foundation philosophy of EU.
We foresee that an inclusive citizenry notion will carried about through regional councils. Citizens will participate to the goveming system at cultural, societal, economic and political aspects more than before, and they will not be a target of up to down transforrnation politics by assimilation and otherisation applications. Briefly, we believe that constituting this project will strengthen the union and harinonization of peoples en equal ground, and thus, prevent the rise of nationalism. There are no political parties including AKP govemment as well who offer these kinds of project either for speeding up EU accession process or achieving contemporary civilization values. From this point of view, as DTP, we are a party making the most important attempts coinciding with EU aims on the grounds of offering both this kind of comprehensive administrative and public reforms and a new constitution.
Besides, for the democratic transformation and peace of Middle East, EU-Turkey and Kurdish people have a very great potential and role. The membership of Turkey to EU will have a direct affect on the process of political and societal democratization and meeting with the values of EU of the countries like Iraq, Iran and Syria. As you know, Kurdish geography and Kurdish people was divided among four nation-states during establishment of Middle East Order at the beginning decades of last century. With its actual presence, the Kurds is approximately 40 million populated people. It is clear that Kurds will be a bridge of democracy and peace in between EU and Middle East during accession process and, if it is succeeded, aftermath of füll membership period.
Dear Friends, Dear Fellows,
Kurdish Question has achieved a very crucial nature by the period we have lived. Comparing and contrasting the 1990s years to the present time, we observe that there have appeared the signs of ethnical and sensual disengagement, and conflict trends, between our peoples. The organized forces of dominant Turkish nationalism have tried to make pogroms and violent attacks against Kurdish people. In 90s, despite there was a very dirty war, experienced as everyday facts in the way that countless murders and assassinations, tortures, buming of thousands of villages and so on, there was still no kind of societal lynching atmosphere against Kurdish society. Thereby, in this period, we face a very different condition of facts. The urgency of this period has made it a raust for the solution of problem through peaceful and compromise methods as soon as possible. The obstacles of a possible settlement are based on ongoing denial and destructive mentality. This people, whose even the least national rights have not been recognized, has no longer endured in this mangle of denial and destruction.
We, as a party, have been offering the most logical and most sustainable settlement prescription. We have been struggling to deactivate the violent methods and achieve a peaceful environment as soon as possible. The demands we have been offering are to make guarantee the cultural and political rights of Kurdish people as free and equal citizens of the republic, to make possible teaching and education with mother tongue, and lastly, to carry out a decentralized ruling apparatus giving them the opportunity for participating to the goveming process from down to upward. Let me ask you; is there a more acceptable Suggestion more than this? Moreover, we say that "let's just Start to talk directly; we are sure we will achieve a consensus." But yet, putting aside the contemporary national rights, these demands are at the very lower base of even the rights and liberties of native peoples. The related UN's documents and conventions are the best examples of this fact.
To sum up my Speech, I should mention again that we like to feel and see the triggering force of EU accession process for saving our people from the vicious cycle of denial and violence and to get a way of peaceful-compromise and common logic solution process. I believe that we will see this kind of approach and practical application at forthcoming period.
Kindly Regards and Yours Sincerely
Group President in TGNA and Co-Chairs of Democratic Society Party, Turkey
Courtesy of Mesopotamische Gesellschaft - Mezopotamian Development Society
Something to work on..Some are putting children in jail for attending a funeral of their friend who´s cause of dead should be investigated !
At the moment, there are a number of children who've been in prison in Amed/Diyarbakir for a year.
MP Malik Ecder Özdemir [CHP] summarised the conditions of the children in prison thus:
“There are 20 children staying in a cell made for 5-6 people. They have been separated from their families and their education has been interrupted. They have been taken to court 2 to 3 times, their statements have been taken, their identities were verified, and then they were sent back to prison. As this trial is taking so long, it is difficult for these children to believe in justice.”
The MP demanded an immediate end to the prosecution of the children:
“Their psychological condition is precarious; they seem remorseful. They said, ‘We only wanted to take our friend’s body; we did not know this would be punished as severely.’
"The case of a 15-year-old boy who was run over by a tank of the security forces last year in Cizre is not being prosecuted as he is dead, but forty of the boy's friends, who attended his funeral, were put on trial."
There are other Kurdish children in adult prisons throughout Turkey:
Currently dozens of children in Diyarbakir, Adana and other provinces are being tried not in children’s courts but in Special Authority Heavy Penal Courts. They stand accused of membership in an terrorist organisation after taking part in protests against alleged maltreatment of Abdullah Öcalan in prison, or protests at the visit of Prime Minister Erdogan to the city. Following a change in the Anti-Terrorism Law in 2006, 15- to 18-year-olds can now be tried in such courts. Recently, two children in Adana were sentenced to 21 years imprisonment after taking part in pro-Kurdish Newroz events in Gaziantep.
In another case, Turkey has been found guilty of violating a child's rights by the ECHR. Some of us also remember the case of Ahmet and Ugur Kaymaz, who were murdered by Katil Erdogan's security forces almost five years ago. The state terrorists who killed them were acquitted at trial. Nor can we forget the treatment AKP's police thugs handed out to Kurdish children during Newroz last year, nor it's treatment of Kurdish women during the same holiday.
So..maybe this is what Erdogan mean by "redefine terror and terrorist organizations in the Middle East"? Sentence minors to prison instead of investigating the circumstances around their friends cause of death?
Maybe they will be the next youngsters to send up in the mountains to keep the genocide-carousel alive?
We tell you: The way the Kurds have been and still are treated is a disgrace for civilization, for this whole planet and the human race!
New rules coming?
Well..It´s really about time there is need to do some distinction between people and people..As we said before: there are 1.5 millions of Palestinians that are in need for help from the internationally community. There is no way that Hamas in Gaza can take the responsibility in a disaster all by themselves but have to cooperate.
In fact..The plight of the Gaza citizens is not Hamas sole responsibility any longer. The world can not really take any considerations for what a few says outside Gaza when it comes to the Gaza citizens and the urgent need for aid and rebuilding! So..We believe it´s time to do distinction between people and people in Gaza and among Hamas as well if they don´t work in the same direction. Like they do in Pakistan in fact..We speak to those we can speak to and defend ourselves against those that refuse..
Well.. maybe this is something for the Turkish Prime Minister to reflect over as well..
"The conflict in Somalia will be resolved. We are urging our brothers in armed conflict to join us in peace-building," he told parliament. "We will govern the Somali people with honesty and justice, and give them back their rights." After being sworn in at a hotel in Djibouti on Saturday morning he will fly to the very country that chased him from Somalia to attend an African leaders summit. He then returns to Somalia to try and put together a unity government. Legislators met in neighboring Djibouti due to the instability at home. But they hope they have elected a man able to isolate or even possibly bring on board hard-line insurgents, even if there is a risk the violence spikes in the short term.
Ahmed said those fighting to impose a strict version of Islamic law throughout the country had misinterpreted the religion and he would try to correct that. He also said his government would not tolerate any abuse of power or corruption and treat neighbors with respect.
U.N. envoy to Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, hailed Saturday's vote and called for a spirit of reconciliation. "I hope and I am sure that the international community will lend its cooperation to the new authorities, provided they demonstrate their determination to promote a stable and tolerant Somalia," he said after the election.
In the past two years, more than 16,000 civilians and an unknown number of combatants have died during an Islamist-led insurgency against the government and its Ethiopian allies. One million people have been driven from their homes, and a third of the population relies on food aid in what aid agencies call one of the world's worst humanitarian crises. Under Somalia's complicated clan system, Ahmed, a Hawiye, will now seek to appoint a Darod prime minister to ensure representation of the major groups. Many Somalis doubted that the Djibouti peace process would bring peace, saying whoever was elected president would still face a major armed threat from hardliners.
David Clarke -Reuters
Africa must Unite..
The Gaza citizens oppose continued rocket fire on Israel
Some voices from Gaza says that the civilians are the losers and that they oppose continued rocket fire on Israel. Several others in Salam said they want Hamas and Abbas' Fatah movement to put aside their rivalries. They say the infighting is one of the main reasons for the misery of Gaza civilians.
Erekat met the Norwegian representative to the Palestinian Authority, the UN’s envoy to the Middle East Robert Serry, and the British Consul General. He said that “stabilizing the Gaza truce should go along with opening all of the crossings, allowing all of the needed supplies, not only of food, fuel, medicine, power and water but also these needed for reconstruction in Gaza including, iron, cement and others.”
Yeah..We would like to see a truce linked to opening all crossings for goods and all needed supplies. A truce must generate stability for both sides and achievements for the Gaza citizens. But..A prisoner swap must be done before opening the Rafah border and lifting the blockade. It´s really not that complicated..It´s...rather fact..
Ma’an – Gaza’s electricity grid may collapse on Sunday if Israel does not allow vital shipments of fuel and spare parts into the Gaza Strip, energy company officials warned. The electric company said in a statement that Israel badly damaged Gaza’s electric during its bombing of the Gaza Strip in December and January. Although the plant is back up and running at a reduced capacity, a lack of spare parts means the grid and the power plant cannot be repaired. The Gaza Strip’s sole power plant will itself shut down to a lack of fuel.The statement warned that blackouts could reach 12 hours a day.
Ma’an - Abu Raed Khader’s 22-year-old son Zakariyah Fathi Ismail Khader has been missing since the second day of the Israeli war on Gaza. The Khader family lives in the Ash-Shabura refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah, and have released an appeal for help in finding the young man.
EP to send delegation to Kurdish politician Leyla Zana's hearing
The decisions include inviting Zana to the next meeting of the European Parliament group presidents and sending a parliamentary delegation to attend Zana's March 31 appeal hearing. "We must consider this lawsuit against Leyla Zana to be a lawsuit against the European Parliament," Wurtz said, as quoted by the Anatolia news agency; he added that he was pleased by the European Parliament's approach to the issue. Wurtz also said European Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering would send a letter to European Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn expressing his concern over the case against Zana.
The Diyarbakır chief prosecutor found Zana's sentence of 10 years in prison for "committing crimes on behalf of a terror group" inadequate and appealed to the Supreme Court of Appeals. The prosecutor told the court that Zana's actions went beyond spreading propaganda or committing crimes on behalf of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and reiterated his earlier opinion that "the defendant, in her statements to the chief prosecutor's office, has expressed that she does not see the PKK as a terrorist organization and that she sees the leader of the organization, Abdullah Öcalan, as the 'leader of the Kurdish people,' thus, indirectly confirming the charges." So the chief prosecutor asked that in addition to a 10-year prison sentence, Zana be sentenced to nine terms of five years (45 years in total) imprisonment in line with Article 7/2 of the Anti-Terrorism Law.
Zana gained prominence in 1991 for taking part of her oath of office in Parliament in Kurdish, a language not recognized as an official language in Turkey. She was convicted in 1994 by the State Security Court (DGM) of links to the PKK, which is considered a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union. In 2004, she was released after the appeals court overturned her conviction.
Source: Today´s Zaman
Leyla Zana: Turkey needs a democratic framework
Leyla Zana commented on the political issues that Turkey faces today and gave some suggestions to the AKP-government in Brussels. Zana also noted that if the Kurdish issue is intertwined with Turkish democracy. “Democracy cannot be separated from the Kurdish issue and democracy not from the Kurdish issue.” Despite of this she wasn’t positive about TRT 6 broadcasts and Erdogan’s speech on this channel and his ‘Kurdish welcome’. “The issue should be taken up in a framework of a project. And needs a realistic and determined solution.” Therefore she recommended that the PKK insurgents should return to normal life and that the situation of the PKK-leader Abdullah Ocalan should be improved. Leyla Zana also asked for constitutional reforms. Zana proposed to set up projects to bring Kurds into political life. “We have to establish a academy to realize peaceful politics to raise academic to that effect in the centre of Diyarbakir. Turks cannot do that alone by themselves.”
Well..Yeah..You bet..
It looks like some one is doing a free - vault right will hold on for a while..But that´s okay..He´s not the only one that have done´s natural..It´s just need for some rest..As it´s tiring..
No wonder they left..

The details of the ceasefire talks in Cairo have not yet been made public
John Clancy, spokesman for EU Development Commissioner said the commission has asked Israel to allow aid workers to be fast-tracked into the territory. "There's an obligation to allow full and unfettered access," Clancy said. He said Israel is considering the request. Clancy said that the EU has earmarked €58 million ($74 million) in aid for Gaza this year. In recent days, UNRWA expanded food aid, with some 900,000 Gazans now getting rations of flour, oil and sugar. John Ging the top UN aid official in the territory said "There are thousands of tons of assistance generously donated, sitting in Egypt, Jordan and also in the ports in Israel," Ging said. "That aid should be right here, right now, helping the people who need it." Meanwhile, US Mideast Envoy George Mitchell on Friday met with Social Affairs Minister Isaac Herzog, who is responsible for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.
The "Arian race"..
Yeah..Save the Arian race before it´s to late..While Mein kampf is the most read book in Turkey...*true*..And both Kurds and Afghans are killed..We start to get a hint on what it´s all about REALLY we? ...Goucsh! "Kurdification"..
Oxfam: U.S. needs strategy in Afghanistan to avoid humanitarian crisis
Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) also showed its concern about the crimes against women in the region and called upon the government to prosecute the perpetrators in open court and proposed harsh punishment for them.
Well..The government in Afghanistan should sit and work out such a strategy together with the U.S. at ones..It´s obvious need to get in supplies for other ways to help people to stay warm. As we said´s also need to clear secured ways to get aid workers to reach people. And some countries with a presence in Afghanistan must stop having "their own favourite warlords" which do not contribute to a stable united governing!
In fact..One wonder if it´s like it has been with the warlords in Somalia..
Well..Some have been stolen of their land and fought for decades for their rights according to the U.N. declarations of human rights..
The Hall of Shame..
From green to poisoned..From poisoned to green and back again..How "strategic"..


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s comments were praised by Islamic-collective-suicidal-genocide spokesman Dahoud Shehab as “bold” and “honest,”and appreciate how Turkey cares for the Palestinian cause.
After Assad´s legitimization's and the exiled with food on the table and collective-suiciders in protection warm and cozy, the Gaza citizens in a humanitarian catastrophe, while Turkey is so willing having talks in Damascus, but not with those calling for solutions, Turkey´s "war against terrorism" against the whole Kurdish civilian population, Kurds calling for case fires and solutions in Turkish jails, the last forests burnt down, Kurdish villages and life hood destroyed, while they wave the Turkish and Hamas flags in Gaza..Appropå "moving towards democracy"..It was the Turks that monitored the Palestinians elections On January 25, 2006..wasn´t it..People in the Middle East has a great opportunity to establish something more stable and better for the region..and all the psychopaths can come up with is to drag the whole region into destruction, death and continuing their genocides!
Friday, January 30, 2009
We have warned them for "Little red/NATO- Istanbul" and "Vietnam tactics"! And Syria´s/Iran´s "suitable leaders" running all over the Palestinian people..Yeah..It´s not just quite ugly, it´s crimes against humanity. It´s genocide against the Kurdish people that have been going on for decades..Or ever since the Armenian in fact..With burnt down villages..!
Some do not just listen on their High way to Hell...The Incirlik airbase to Hell where Turkey and Iran have bombed the Kurdish villages for estimated 3 years now, in their genocide against the Kurds that have been going on for decades, while they accuse Israel for war crimes and it´s estimated 1.307.319 Iraqi's death today, with ½ men in the nice neighbourhood between Syria, Turkey and Iran, where they are so f***** busy refusing to respond on calls for solutions, bombing Kurdish areas and talking to exiled in Damascus, where Maliki wants to be friend with the Iranians!
Is it some f***** statistic tradition? 1.5 millions of Armenians, 1.5 millions of Kurds, 1.5 millions of Iraqis..Well..One could guess that..If not the "1.5 millions of Kurds" would be more..And then we have the genocide on the Iranian people by the psychopaths in their regime. And the Afghans on their other side of the border into Kurdish areas which looks like a natural disaster by now. Yeah..It´s a "tradition" of genocides! ISN´T IT! What could be better than to "invite" the U.S., NATO and their biggest member just waiting to get started to have one, two or a couple of more?..."For the Palestinian cause"..
Turkey is a beast, fed by others and their f***** interests! yeah! We have seen it! It´s fed from one side and "bashed just a little bit" from the other!
"Poisonous elements”. This is a genocide machinery put in action as it has been done for decades!
The psychopaths in Iran and Assad have both supported and orchestrated the take over of Gaza and used factions against the interests of the Palestinians to take steps to end the siege. Stalled and stalled and used reconciliations for standing in the way for reconciliations between the leadership in Gaza and Fatah and used it as another tool, and in fact use just EVERYTHING they can to stand in the way for talks, agreements and steps to end the siege where they have taken the whole Gaza to destruction, death and a humanitarian catastrophe. JUST as they orchestrated justifications for Turkey´s "war on terrorism" as it always have been done at the rocket transportations border, instigating the collective-genocide carousel together with Syria and Iran and their crimes against the Kurdish people. And which are ALL using both Hamas in Damascus and Lebanon and in Gaza to use 1.5 millions of Palestinians to be used as cards to be played out against people all over the region!
If we shall start to talk about war crimes and crimes against humanity, we shall hold Syria, Nasrallah, Turkey and their Hezbollah/Istanbul forums and the regime in Iran responsible for it!
Because they are the ones that have set up Hamas in Gaza against one of this regions strongest army in a strip that is besieged with 1.5 millions of Palestinians in the crossfire!
At the same time they don´t have give a damn about what ANY ONES have said about their military incursion into Iraq! While Turkey have had their "war on terrorism" against the whole Kurdish civilian population while speaking to Hamas in Damascus that is used against the interests of those in Gaza, and refuse to respond on calls from the PKK and the whole Kurdish people to get some more time for their crimes. And kept working on to label the whole Kurdish people as terrorists, and jailing them for even mention solutions, as they have done for decades! As it´s done in Iran where they hang Kurds every week and in Syria where they "disappear"!

Well..Yeah! Want to visit the "New-Civilized- Middle-Open-Prison- East?
Nice vacations..As long as people remember to take their helmets with them..
Well..We warned both Israel and Palestinians for this..But they do not seems to care do they..Every one just want to be happy Turks..And every other language is unknown..Yeah..remeber you helmets..
So.."Friendly happy Turkey/ Little red Istanbul..
Can we get an end on this charades and start LISTEN TO WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY FOR ONES? IDIOT!
Seventeen Palestinians were injured when Israeli soldiers opened fire on Palestinian demonstrators in Hebron on Friday. Confrontations between Israeli troops and stone-throwing Palestinian youths took place on Tareq-Ibin Ziad Street, which is in a section of Hebron under the full control of the Israeli military. Medical sources said that the soldiers used live ammunition. Medics at Muhammad Ali Hospital in Hebron said that eight children were among the 17 treated for bullet and shrapnel wounds. Most of the injuries were on the demonstrators’ lower bodies, except for two people who were wounded above the waist. Three people were shot with rubber-coated metal bullets. Massive demonstrations have taken place in Hebron after prayer every Friday since the beginning of the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip. In mid-January one demonstrator was killed by Israeli fire. The demonstrations have also seen the largest number of Hamas supporters openly showing their presence in the West Bank.
"Little Red Istanbul"? Well..We can questioning the accuracy with this report on live bullets..can´t we..It´s looks very much like the streets in Turkey..So..Israel and Palestinians have some real aspirations for a friendly place for tourists to come to in the future? Where they maybe just happens to come in the way and get some clubbing in their head..
Well..Yeah..Mr Kim Jong-il has some important business to take care of!
Pakistani police says arrested nine al Qaeda-linked militants
"They are very dangerous terrorists. They have confessed their involvement in all of these attacks," police chief Rao Mohammad Iqbal told Reuters. Iqbal said the men, all of them Pakistani, were also planning to attack Pakistan's National Day parade on March 23. Police had recovered 100 kg (220 lb) of explosives as well as detonators from the suspects, he said.
The men were believed to have links with Baituallah Mehsud, Pakistan's top Taliban commander and an al Qaeda ally, he said. The government said Mehsud was behind the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto in a gun and suicide bomb attack in Rawalpindi in December 2007.
Separately, police arrested on Thursday three suspected Indian agents planning to attack prominent people and installations, including offices linked to a militant group blamed for November's attacks in Mumbai. The men, arrested in a village close to the Indian border, were Pakistani, police said. The arrests came just before as the government was expected to release details of its investigation into the attacks in Mumbai in which 179 people were killed. India blamed the banned Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group for the attacks and said the plotters must have had support from Pakistani security agencies. Pakistan has denied any involvement in the attacks by state agencies and offered to cooperate in the investigation of the Mumbai violence.
President Asif Ali Zardari said Pakistan has made "remarkable progress" in the past several months but needed the United States to supply it with the newest military technology and to upgrade its military equipment. He said he hoped Holbrooke would work to resolve differences between India and Pakistan over the disputed Kashmir region, saying it "must be addressed in some meaningful way to bring stability to this region."
Reporting by Zeeshan Haider; Editing by Robert Birsel and Sugita Katyal
Yeah..While the exiled and people in Damascus and Lebanon are used to place obstacles in the way for those in Gaza
"Detaining the candidates is a serious precedent," said a parliament member in the Sadrist bloc, Baha al-Araji.
Well..Both Sadr´s and Badr´s are trained and used by the psychopaths in Iran. Used against each other to undermine the Iraqi government and play out people as their own private tools, as every one else they use..we assume..And then we have their friend the other psychopath from "the other side".. We suspect the Iranian embassy should have been closed down a LONG time ago! Iran have sure used Sadr´s, threatened Iraqis to fight Iraqis in Sadr city to undermine Mr Maliki. In fact..even if Mr Maliki did not believed both the Badr and al-sadr´s should be used in that way, it´s very obvious they have been used, just as splinter groups and "special groups". Just as there were reports of people from Iran taking over militias to just have assassination campaigns.
It was put in system a LONG time ago! In fact..It seems like they do not do anything else! It´s psychopathic where they CAN NOT JUST LET PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIVES WITHOUT THEM MEDDLING IN IT, with some luck not have it totally destroyed or taken away which seems rare! In fact..We doubt people in this region will ever have a normal life and peace in mind as long as a few psycopaths in Iran, Syria and happy Turks torturing humans and animals are alive! We should come back here for about 90 years or so!
We have told over and over again to get the Iraqi refugees in Iran back to Iraq, reconciliations and get al-Sadr back to Iraq! But no one seems to listen..maybe they are taken HOSTAGES! It´s crystal clear to people all over this planet how both psychopaths in Iran and in Syria use people as tools in the most criminal, disgusting ways, against who ever pleases them in crimes against humanity, international laws and every law there is! And it´s really nothing new! This is how the Iranian "revolution" was done and how the whole Iranian people were ripped off of their revolution. They mass murdered people in masses to paw their way for their one and only dictatorship where they have taken the whole Iranian nation hostages! They have committed genocide on their own people and are still doing so! And how the psychopathic manipulations have been used ever since the Syrian psychopaths took the whole region into wars and proxy wars!2004-10-14
Iraq's spy chief accuses Badr militia of killing agents
He accused SCIRI of killing members of his intelligence service with help of Iranian embassy. Iraq's national intelligence chief accused Iran's Baghdad embassy of masterminding an assassination campaign that has seen 18 intelligence agents killed. He said a series of raids on three Iranian "safe houses" in Baghdad on September 29 had uncovered a treasure trove of documents linking Iran to plots to kill members of the intelligence service and using the Badr former militia of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq's (SCIRI) as its tool. SCIRI has vigourously denied the allegations and counter-charged that the intelligence service is full of veterans of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's military who are now renewing their vendetta against former Shiite resistance groups based out of Iran in the 1980s. Iraqi intelligence agents have been killed in Iraq, 10 of them by the Badr organisation on orders from Iran and the rest by Al-Qaeda-linked foreign militant he charged.
Then Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's government escalated its rhetoric against Iran accusing the neighbouring Islamic republic of running a campaign of sabotage in Iraq. His claims of huge caches of documents seized in the September raids are the most explicit charges to date against Iran and the first time an Iraqi party has been publicly named as Tehran's proxy. Shahwani said that during the raids, "Documents were obtained ... showing the Iranian regime ... is seeking to embroil some of the SCIRI members in subversive acts to exacerbate Iraq's wounds and dominate it."
The intelligence director said the documents showed Iran had a 45-million-dollar budget for sowing chaos in Iraq and had recruited members of Badr and a subsidiary party, Hezbollah, to kill Iraqi intelligence agents. "A document showed that Iran allocated a budget to Badr Corps, totalling 45 million dollars. "Among the objectives of this budget is to back the formation of a security service grouping several directorates to carry out a set of subversive acts including ... physical liquidation." Shahwani flipped through folders of charts and writing in Farsi that he said his agents were still sifting through. He claimed his intelligence service had obtained the names and addresses of Badr members working directly for Iran. Badr, the former paramilitary wing of SCIRI, has formerly renounced violence since the party returned to Iraq in the spring of 2003 after a 20-year exile in Iran.
SCIRI vehemently denies the charges. "These are false accusations made against the organisation. Badr and SCIRI are the biggest threats to terrorists," said SCIRI spokesman Haitham al-Husseini. Instead, Husseini charged that Shahwani, a general who fled Saddam's Iraq, was running amuck and taking out his bias against Shiite parties which fought Saddam during the 1980s when Iran was at war with Iraq. They have a history of targeting SCIRI and Badr members." The two groups currently serve in the interim parliament and Allawi government. Shahwani said that four Iraqis who were arrested following a botched assassination attempt on an Iraqi intelligence officer in September belonged to the Hezbollah of Iraq party and had confessed to being on the payroll of Iran's intelligence service.
The intelligence chief took out dossiers and glossy photos of 27 members of Iran's embassy in Iraq and accused them of masterminding Iranian covert operations. "We will ask them to leave the country," Shahwani said. Shahwani also claimed that Iranian spies had held meetings at Iraqi politician Ahmed Chalabi's Baghdad home since May when the one-time Pentagon favourite's house was raided by Iraqi police and US forces, saying that Chalabi was suspected by the Americans of leaking intelligence to Iran. The Iraqi foreign ministry declined to comment on the intelligence chief's allegations against the embassy.
Well..Then if every one just Stop f***** pretend they care what Tayyip Erdogan and used people in Damascus says!
As we said: We do not give a damn about what people say in Turkey or Damascus where they use talks for reconciliations to stand against reconciliations, just to buy some time, force their problems on Iraq, instead of taking the opportunity to solve them which they have refused to do for decades, and use 1.5 millions of Palestinians as cards to be played with, while Iraqis gets assassinated! So if every one stop f***** pretend they cares what they screams from Syria and take their responsibility to get through a case fire agreement, a prisoner swap and solve the border issues INSTEAD OF SITTING AND HASSLING WHILE PSYCHOPATHS WANTS TO REPLACE PEOPLE IN GAZA WITH THEIR "SUITABLE LEADERS" IN DAMASCUS. USING 200 FACTIONS AND IDIOTS OCCUPYING THE PALESTINIANS FARMLANDS IN GAZA, IN A GLOBAL FOOD CRISES WITH PEOPLE IN DESPERATE NEED FOR AID ALL OVER THE GLOBE, EXPECTING TO BE FED AND GET FOOD ON THE TABLE FOR FIRING THEIR F***** ROCKETS AND STAND AGAINST THE INTERESTS OF THE PALESTINIANS! WHILE PEOPLE STARVE IN AFGHANISTAN AND AFRICA, AND IN A HUMANITARIAN DISASTER! WHILE PEOPLE ARE BEING JAILED IN TURKEY FOR EVEN MENTIONING CASE FIRES, SOLUTIONS AND PEACE! IDIOTS!

And we will not have a 1 year truce to be used by psychopaths, but a permanent truce, with agreements and every parts responsibility to end the siege and get the Gaza citizens a normal life, without being used like f***** cattle's to be bargain with! And Ismail Haniyeh and others in Gaza have to cooperate for reconstruction and just f***** adjust themselves!
NO ONES are Assad´s, a few psychopaths in Damascus, the Iranian psychopath´s or Nasrallah´s private personal "milking cows" to be used for nothing but their own psychopathic purposes while people are starving to death! Nasrallah and psychopaths can as well f***** lay down and die on the spot! Literally taking food from starving peoples mouths, to rebuild what they take to destruction, for their own psychopathic mass murdering EGO´s? What´s theirs f***** justifications for living?
F***** playground!
And we would be VERY grateful if Carter stay the hell out of Damascus for a while and visit the Gaza citizens instead if he cares about the Palestinians! Idiot!
Here´s your f***** terrorists lists..Maybe we should have a Turkish one, CIA´s, KGB´s and the whole klabbet as well..
Ali Fallahian : Cleric. Intelligence Minister ( 1984-89). Islamic revolution courts prosecutor- general in1982. Prosecutor for the special court for clerics in1987. Known to be responsible for most of political assassinations in Iran and abroad, between 1982 to 2001. He is on Interpol’s wanted list in connection with Mykonos Judgement in 1991 in Germany.
Ali Akbar Velayati : He is the supreme- leader’s top adviser in matters relating to security and international relations. Known to play an important role in the regime’s policies of export of revolution, acts of terrorism abroad and torture and elimination of its opponents at home. Some of these facts came to light in the course of the Mykonos trial in Germany 1994-97.
Mostafa Pourmohammadi cleric : Acts as the Supreme-leaders adviser in charge of security of seminares. Plays a direct role in relation to acts of torture and disappearances of the regime’s political opponents.
Ali Akbar Nategh Nori, Cleric. Interior Minister ( 1981-85). Head of inspectorate in the supreme leaders office since February 2000. Known to have been responsible for policies of repression which were the order of the day during his term as the minister of interior. In his present position in fact it is he who in the name of his boss Ali Khamenei has been implementing the harsh and repressive policies of the regime including acts of torture and elimination of the regime´s opponents.
Hassan (Fereidon) Rohani, cleric. Leader’s representative and secretary of the all powerful High National Security Council since 1996). In those capacities he plays important role in torture and elimination of the regime’s opponents at home and abroad.
Mohammad-Reza Naghdi (Shams) Revolutionary Guard’s Brigadier General a high-ranking member of the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Guards. In that capacity he played an important role in the assassinations of opponents of the regime abroad. His name is widely associated in regard to acts of torture against the former Tehran Mayor as well as in regard to his private place of torture and involvement in the rape of young girls. Presently he works in the office of the chief of staff of the armed forces.
Ali Akbar Mohseni Ejehi, cleric. Head of special clergy court since 1980. He has worked in the judiciary department since 1980. He is known to favor death tortures and recourse to acts of tortures against those opposing the Islamic republic.
Deputy-prosecutor in the special court for the clergy ; representative of the prosecutor general in the intelligence Ministry. He has publicly defended actions of a high ranking officials of the intelligence ministry in the killings of dissidents and intellectuals.
Mahmood Hashemi Shahrodi, cleric : Born in Iraq. Entered Iran after the 1978 revolution. Kameini had first appointed him as head of the high council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq. Today he heads the Judicial branch of the government. He is also a member of the guardian council and a member of the Expediency Assembly. He is supportive of "Islamic Revolution courts" and has not shown any sensitivity against daily rampant acts of torture taking place in Iranian prisons.
Mohammad Golpayegani, cleric. Supreme leader’s director of office. He is directly or indirectly involved in all acts of repression, torture disappearances and killings that have taken place in the country during the past 14 years.
Revolutions Tabriz Public Prosecutor 1979-1981. Member of the Combatant Clerical Assembly. Responsible for torture and execution of thousands of freedom loving Iranians during the past 25 years.
Mostafa Mirsalim, ex chief of police. Has served as a top counselor to Ali Khamemei for many years. Member of the supreme council of cultural revolution and adviser to the supreme leader Ali Khamenei since 1997.
Hossein Shariatmadari : officer in the ideological and Political Bureau of the Islamic Revolution guards corps ;interrogator in the Evin prison, Ali Khamenei’s representative and general manager of Keyhan publishing company.
Mohammad Esmail Shushtari : cleric. Tehran Islamic Revolution prosecutor’s office ; director of the prisons organization( 1988-89), justice Minster since 1989.
Mohammad Yazdi : cleric. Head of the Judiciary ( 1990-2000). During this period he ordered arrest and prosecution of intellectuals, prominent journalists and others. Nearly all were tortured and denied fair trials.
Abbas Ali Alizadeh, cleric. Head of the Tehran judicial office. Previously Head of the revolution court of Mashhad. He is known to have been responsible for the death of many people opposing the regime. He is alleged to have raped women prisoners.
Mohsen Rezaie : Commander- in- chief of the Islamic Revolution guards corps (1981-96), secretary of expediency discernment council since 1997.
Morteza Rezaie. One of the founders of the intelligence unit of Islamic Revolution guards corps, currently head of the Islamic revolution guards corps intelligence unit and head of the Information office of the supreme leader.
Mohammad Mohammadi Rayshahri cleric : organizer and Sharia judge of the army Revolution court (1979), first intelligence Minister of the Islamic Republic, head of the special court for the clergy, prosecutor-general.
Morteza Moghtadaie : cleric, prosecutor-general, since 1989. Islamic revolution court judge in Tehran, Ghom and other provinces 1980.
Mohamad Mohammadi-Gilani. Cleric. Head of the supreme court. Member of the Assembly of exports. Judge of Tehran Islamic Revolution court 1980-85 ; member of the guardian council 1986-92 ; supreme leader’s representative on the central council of universities.
Ghorbanali Dori-Najafabadi, cleric, Minister of Intelligence 1997-98. Islamic revolution prosecutor in the 1980’s. Member of parliament 1980-88 and 1992-99. Member of the Assembly of Experts and head of the supreme council for the Administration of Justice( Divan- e- Edalat).
Abbas Vaez-e-Tabasi, cleric, Head of the multi-billion dollars foundation of Qods Razavi since 1979. Member of the Assembly of Experts since 1998 and member of the all powerful expediency Assembly.
Elias Mahmoudi Former officer of the Gendarmerie. In the past he had acted as the Head of Security office of the judicial branch of the government. After the revolution he has acted as interrogator and investigator of the Revolutionary Courts. As a deputy to Mohammad Mohammadi Rayshahri in the military public prosecutor’s office he has played an active role in commission of acts of torture against hundreds of members of the ground and air force personnel. For many years he has held key positions in the army’s public prosecutor office and in various military tribunals.
Ebrahim Yazdi Very close collaboration with Khomaini during the first years after the 1979 uprising and one of the godfathers of the Revolutionary Guards. Secretly worked as the first revolutionary prosecutor and judge for several months after the revolution (organized, operated and fixed the late Hovayda’s trial as well as some others). Other roles include: Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Revolutionary Affairs (late 1979), Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of Islamic Parliament(1980-84), Head of Keyhan (government sponsored publishing group), Head of the Iran Liberation Movement (since 1992).
Mohammad Shakibniya. Second in command in the Mobilization forces (Basiij).
Ahmad Sheikha - torturer, Jafar Nemati - torturer, Masoud Dehnamaki.
Ansar-e Hizbollah
Mehdi Nasiri Ansar-e Hizbollah
Kaveh Komeil Ansar-e Hizbollah
Abdolmajid Mohtashem Ansar-e Hizbollah
Don´t f***** say we didn´t warn you! facing a huge challenge! Deal with it or go to Hell!Some might say that´s where you already is! Well..Snap out of it! Take the opportunity to get some help to solve your f***** "problems" you want to impose on the Iraqis while they are getting killed, or more assassinated in the same way every one else have been since 1979 that suits psychopaths, instead of taking the whole f***** region with you, with your f***** "problems" that Turkey have refused to solve for decades just to be a f***** "powerful, rich happy Turk"!
And Israel and the people in Gaza keep work with steps to end the siege!
We don´t give a damn what they says! Have a prisoner swap, open the crossings for all that is needed and secure the f***** border and reconciliation will come!
Enough with psychopathic genocidal manipulations and crimes against humanity at the expense of people all over the region!
We agree that "PKK should adopt on is working towards succeeding some kind of road map that is a road map towards solving the issue and pave the way for the success of this road map." Earlier Talabani said amnesty is the solution to the PKK issue. In the future Kurds are planning to organize an international conference under the auspices of the northern Iraqi Kurdish leadership in order to create this road map for the "solution of the Kurdish problem in Turkey". And there are REALLY no world leaders that can defend a continuing of a genocide in a genocidal "war-fare" carousel that have been going for decades! Try and we bring you down so fast you don´t even know how it happened!

Thursday, January 29, 2009
"Poisonous elements"....Something Turkish since 1937 or WHAT?
This incident has raised hatred and unrest in Kurdistan. On the 27th of March when people were collecting the bodies of the guerrillas for burial the police and army attacked the people in Amed, Adana and Siirt and as a result many were injured and hundreds were arrested. After this in Amed and Siirt and in a few other cities, people protested by not going to work and protesting on the streets. The police and army attacked the people once again and until now four people have been killed and hundreds have been injured. These incidents are spreading. These incidents have arisen due to the politics of denial that the Turkish Government has not ceased to practise.
The Turkish government is using every banned weapon including chemical weapons to kill Kurds. This is why these incidents have erupted. Our people’s protests and reactions are rightful and justified. We salute our people’s protests against the government’s inhumane actions in Amed, Siirt, Adana, Batman and Adiyaman. Therefore, to show that the people of the cities we have listed are not alone we call on all our people in the cities of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, in the East, South and Southwest parts of Kurdistan and also in Europe to protests against the inhumane actions of the Turkish Government. We expect however, that when our people protest they should keep it peaceful and democratic without giving any trouble to the properties of our people. We again strongly condemn the inhumane actions of the Turkish Government against our guerrillas and our people.
We would like to renew our call for a peaceful solution to this problem through dialog instead of the politics of aggression and denial. We would also like to call on the United Nations, the European Union, and the European Council to not turn a blind eye to these inhumane attacks, and also to try and work for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish Question. We would like to take this opportunity to once again state that we are next to our people and salute their heroic resistance, We salute the 14 guerrilla martyrs and the martyrs of Amed, and send our best wishes to all the injured.
Long live our peoples struggle for freedom, democracy and peace.
Regards;KONGRA GEL Statement To The People, Mar 30, 2006
A Human Rights Watch researcher conducting research in Turkey was detained and deported
April 11, 2006 Turkey should not be arresting and expelling researchers looking into possible human rights abuses. The desire to cover up human rights abuses is evidently still very strong, despite recent moves towards more accountability in Turkey’s bid for membership in the European Union. Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights WatchA Human Rights Watch researcher conducting research in Turkey was detained by police on Wednesday, and is expected to be deported tomorrow, Human Rights Watch said today.
At the time of his detention, the researcher, who has not been charged with any crime, was carrying out research in the predominately Kurdish southeast of the country into abuses allegedly involving the Turkish gendarmerie and government-armed local defense units called “village guards.” “Turkey should not be arresting and expelling researchers looking into possible human rights abuses,” said Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The desire to cover up human rights abuses is evidently still very strong, despite recent moves towards more accountability in Turkey’s bid for membership in the European Union.”
Human Rights Watch called on the Turkish authorities to halt the deportation and allow the organization to continue its research.
The researcher, Jonathan Sugden, was detained by regular police in the town of Bingol, in southeastern Turkey, on the morning of April 12, 2006. He had been documenting abuses in the area allegedly carried out by Turkish paramilitary police, known as the gendarme, and the village guard. He was first moved to the town of Malatya and later taken to Istanbul, where he is expected to spend the night in police custody before being deported to London on April 13. Sugden is a U.K. national and fluent Turkish speaker with more than two decades of experience monitoring human rights in Turkey. The Turkish authorities have claimed that Sugden did not have valid authorization to be carrying out human rights work in Turkey. However, Sugden was present in the country on a three-month visa, which Turkish authorities had confirmed provides a legitimate basis for him to carry out research in the country, as it is and has been for any human rights lawyer or delegation carrying out similar work. In recent years, Sugden has traveled repeatedly to Turkey on such a visa to perform research, with the knowledge of the Turkish authorities and without being detained. “This is not about a visa,” said Cartner. “It is about the Turkish government wanting to prevent investigations of misconduct by its agents.
Hundreds of thousands of Kurdish villagers remain displaced from the region, and the threat of violence from village guards against these villagers remains an important obstacle to their return. Last week, following the funeral of PKK rebels who had been killed by Turkish security forces, Kurdish demonstrators clashed with riot police in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir, as well as in Batman, Kiziltepe, Nusaybin, Siirt and other towns in the region. Protest became violent, with protesters throwing Molotov cocktails and stones at law enforcement officials. In response, law enforcement officials appear to have used excessive and disproportionate force in responding to the rioters. At least 13 people are believed to have been killed. Many other protesters, as well as law enforcement officers, were injured during the clashes. Hundreds of demonstrators were detained, and there have been credible reports that many detainees were tortured or otherwise ill-treated.
Human rights violations must be investigated, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
Public Statement, AI Index: EUR 44/005/2006
(Public)News Service No: 093 12 April 2006
Moving towards democracy, "war against terrorism", "poisonous elements"..
In 1937 in Dersim the Turks trapped Kurds into caves and gassed them to death! Today they get "legitimization's" from the psychopath in Syria in the instigated genocidal carousel, whith Hamas exiled Turkey is so willing to speak to while they are used against those in Gaza to take 1.5 millions of Palestinians to a humanitarian catastrophe, death and destruction and have the whole world´s attention while Syria, Iran and Turkey are occupied with their genocide, where Turkey refuse to respond on calls for solutions from the whole Kurdish people, PKK, the government in Iraq, the Kurdish government, the EU and this whole f***** planet, but bomb the whole area and use chemical gas! And when the Kurds protests against it they are chased in the most criminal disgusting way on the streets of Turkey where both Spanish tourists, elderly and young are clubbed or shot to death, while Turkey´s own people are committing terror attacks, terrorise in Istanbul and attack Kurdish children with bombs. And jail Kurdish politicians or any ones that even dare to mentioning solutions, democracy, human rights and peace.
If the world leaders believe they have some rights or permission to keep allow this genocide against people that were chased up there from the beginning and then refuse to respond on calls for solutions, dialogues and peace, as it´s has been done for decades, with Germany believing they will sent 7.000 Kurds to Syria where they are being just as oppressed, jailed, attacked and "disappear", after the genocidal carousel was instigated at the border between Syria and Turkey, Kurds being attacked by bombs, and after the EU court annulled the decision to have PKK on a terrorist list the whole f***** genocidal carousel went nuts with Assad´s "legitimization's" in the same horrific crimes in a repeat transmission of the 80s or chemical gases as in 1937, they are f***** doomed!
Yeah..we will take a look what happens with Palestinians and in Gaza..
Towards democracy, refuse to respond on calls for solutions, a "war against terrorism" and speaking to Hamas in Damascus
While bombing and displace another 5.000 villages, destroying their life hood, and bomb areas with chemical weapons!
Moving toward democracy..
And how come the Kurdish government and authorities have not establish a media coverage what´s happening to the Kurdish villagers and areas?
In fact..Support such crimes that strays away from both the United States and the internationally community´s proclaimed principles of democracy, human rights and every thing else, while both minorities and Kurds in Turkey are faced with some of the harshest forms of oppression, where some are being jailed for even talking about solutions and peace, even OUTSIDE Turkey in a European state such as Britain, and for publishing declarations of case fires and calls for dialogues, and claim Turkey move towards democracy is kind a creepy..
It´s kind a creepy with a two way collective-suicidal-genocidal "war-fare" carousel, where Turkey in a genocidal "war-fare" that have been going on for decades still have the support for their violations of U.N. declarations of human rights and every other law against a whole people that have not just been violated for decades but killed in millions in a genocidal "war-fare" that started the same time as the Armenian genocide. Against a whole people that have struggled for their very identity, existence and human rights according to all laws on this planet. Which calls for dialogues, solutions, laying down arms and peace are not just met with refusal but the same horrific crimes and genocidal mentality. At the same time Palestinians are used against each other, Hamas and militants are used to work against the whole Palestinians peoples interests for independence and rights to self determination!
It´s kind a creepy with a two way collective-suicidal-genocidal "war-fare" carousel, where crimes are being committed against those calling for solutions and peace and are worked against in all possible way in a refusal to reach such conditions and there are all silence over it. At the same time those supported militants and "movements" by Iran and Syria which Turkey is so willing to talk to, to reach solutions are working against solutions and peace and have ALL attention there is on this planet!
Iit´s kind a creepy with claims that Turkey moves towards democracy where people are being jailed for even speaking about solutions and peace, while there is all silent about the Kurdish villagers, the horrific state terror and violations being displayed against people that have been struggling for their human rights and identity for decades, while Turkey is more than willing to speak to those working against both solutions, human rights and peace in Gaza, in psychopaths interests, gets all the attention and not a WORD when it comes to the Turkish state terror, crimes against the Kurds, the refusal to reach solutions, bombings and the plight of the Kurdish villages in the western media, AP, Reuters or anywhere else!
It´s the same in SWAT valley..It´s time to face REALITY!
It´s not just about Sharia law...It´s a genocide that have been going on for a long time ..No doubts about it..
The world push for reconciliation comes at a critical time for Somalia because the departure of Ethiopian troops, who had been supporting the government, has exacerbated a violent power struggle between rival Islamist factions. A Sunni group captured a central trading town on Thursday from the hardline al Shabaab group that seized the seat of parliament in Baidoa this week and has vowed to impose its strict version of Islamic law throughout Somalia. Fighters from government-allied Ahla Sunna Waljamaca attacked Dusamareb in the morning, ousting their rivals after several hours of gunfire and mortar exchanges, witnesses said. "Dusamareb is now in our hands and we are still chasing al Shabaab in the outskirts of town," Ahla Sunna spokesman Sheikh Abdullahi Sheikh Abu Yusuf told Reuters.
International players hope the election of a new president, taking place in neighboring Djibouti due to insecurity at home, could lead later to hardline opponents joining the government. The 15 candidates have been lobbying parliamentarians informally, and each have 15 minutes to address parliament later Thursday. The two viewed as best placed are Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein and Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the moderate Islamist leader from the ARS. Washington is backing Hussein, a quietly-spoken leader who won international kudos for standing his ground against former President Abdullahi Yusuf. He was viewed as an obstacle to peace and quit in December after threats of international sanctions. Ahmed was chairman of the Islamic Courts Union that ruled Mogadishu in 2006 before America's main regional ally, Ethiopia, ousted them to prevent an Islamist state taking root next door. Before joining the government, Ahmed split with the hardline Islamist opposition. He has pledged to forge peace with Ethiopia and reach out to his former allies to try and end the violence.
But with al Shabaab in Baidoa, the government's physical control is restricted to just some areas of Mogadishu, where they are being helped by a 3,500-strong African Union force. The capture of Dusamareb was a blow to al Shabaab, which wants to take advantage of the Ethiopian departure to take over south and central Somalia. It still controls large swathes of the south and has generally been able to bring security there. But its militant implementation of sharia law is unpopular, however, among many of Somalia's traditionally moderate Muslims. They have chafed at practices like a ban on watching foreign films, public executions and other sharia punishments.
Terrified residents of Dusamareb fled to nearby woods during the fighting. "Mortars are now falling in the woods where we are as al Shabaab escapes toward our side," Habiba Maalim told Reuters from the scene. "Al Shabaab has taken more than 20 people out of their homes. We cannot tolerate their slaughters. We want to reopen our Koranic schools and save our people and graves from the omnivorous Al Shabaab," said Ahla Sunna spokesman Yusuf. Al Shabaab's spokesman could not be immediately reached.
By David Clarke
Serious crimes which could be questionably labeled as acts of genocide, committed by U.S.-backed Turkish forces
In for Newrotz 21 March Turkish media claimed that the PKK should stage attacks. The PKK stated they would not do any attacks. Despite case fire calls the Turkish military staged extensive operations in Northern Kurdistan (Southeastern Turkey) and on the 25 March 2006 bombed the area with chemical weapons, killing 14 freedom fighters.
The 14. September. 2006- The notorious Turkish ultra-nationalist terrorist group ‘Turkish Revenge Brigade’ (Turkish: “Turk Intikam Tugayi”, “TIT”) claimed responsibility for the bomb attack outside a family park in the Baglar district of Amed (Diyarbakir) in northern Kurdistan- southeastern Turkey. A total of 10 Kurds, 7 of them children, were killed and thirteen others were wounded. Members of the group was integrated with the Turkish military intelligence agency JITEM and used in black operations against Kurdish political and cultural figures during the mid-80s and throughout the 90s. TIT is now believed to be one of many subsections of the gang collectively known as “Atabeyler.” The Atabeyler gang’s existence — believed to be an ‘open secret’ in the corridors of Ankara — was unearthed by the Turkish AKP administration after an attack on the Turkish Council of State on May 17, 2006.
29-30. September 2006 There have been several calls for case fires and dialogues for solutions from both Koma Komalen Kurdistan, calls from Ocalan, PKK, PJAK, the whole Kurdish people, the Kurdish Government in Iraq, the Iraqi government, and from many directions, some are jailed for doing that, some have been prosecuted for even publishing those calls and declarations for case fires and solutions.
Two rare explosions shook the region, one in southern Kurdistan's capital, Hewlêr (Erbil), and the second one, south of the capital in Mexmûr. Both attacks were blamed on al-Qaeda front groups that threatened to destabilize Kurdistan. However, among the gravest threats concerning people are those coming from just north of southern Kurdistan from good-old NATO member: Turkey.
The Turkish military has once again renewed military operations in the region along the Turkish-Iraqi border by bombarding areas that it claims are hideouts for PKK rebels. The Turkish military maintains its threat of invading southern Kurdistan and continues its attacks on areas where villagers have had to stay on high alert for their own safety for years. These villagers seem to be the only victims of the bombings and many of them have lost their homes and may be forced to join other Kurds in nearby refugee camps. As reported in the BBC, writers of the Iraqi Kurdish Press have observed that “heavy Turkish artillery shelling of peaceful villages in the Kurdistan Region at the peak of the harvest season cannot be seen except as a flagrant aggression, considering the fact that the PKK fighters the shelling is ostensibly targeting are positioned far away from these villages.” Recent reports on the satellite-station, Kurdistan TV, displayed footage of these destroyed villages and the fires that spread as a result of the shelling. Despite protest from the Iraqi government warning that such bombardments could destabilize the entire region, the Turkish government continues its shelling. And villagers continue to lose their crops and their homes.
Turkey has again effectively taken control of U.S. policy out of the hands of democracy and into their own. In addition to the obvious problems for democracy, the denial of the Armenian genocide itself poses far worse consequences contributing to the introduction of new genocides. And certainly, no person can quite dismiss the fact that by accepting the denial as a reality, it can only encourage Turkey to carry out more atrocities like those presently being committed against the Kurds.
The United States policy of containment during the Cold War era created a variety of strategic alliances and established unconditional support for foreign states that were perceived as cooperative in helping deter the Soviet expansion of communism. Among those alliances is between the United States and Turkey, which is often overlooked as an intervening force in contemporary U.S. foreign policy. The alliance strengthened during the beginning of the Cold War and has been maintained since despite more recent rare conflicts of interests in the Middle East, such as the war in Iraq in 2003. Although the strategic importance of Turkey during the Cold War and its geographic location with respect to Europe and the Middle East seems only favorable to the U.S., the outcome of such an alliance has proven that the benefits may not outweigh the devastating realities facing not only the people of the region, but U.S. interests as well.
While minorities in Turkey have been faced with some of the harshest forms of oppression under U.S. supervision, Turkey has also created problems for U.S. efforts in Iraq and further undermines U.S. policymakers’ statements of spreading democracy. The colliding of such interests may continue for decades to come lest a serious reexamination of U.S. foreign policy should be established and alliances that work counter to U.S. goals are vanished. The moral support or even the billions of dollars worth of weapons during the Cold War era are not the only things that were provided to Turkey. The U.S. military through the hundreds of their advisors actively trained the same Turkish military, Special Forces and intelligence services that carried out the vast array of human rights abuses that continue to this day.
In more recent times, the U.S. continues to extend their support through Joint Combined Exchange Training led by U.S. Special Forces. The human rights abuses including the “numerous violations of the laws of war, including village destruction, indiscriminate fire, and ‘disappearances’" carried out by the Turkish Special Forces - trained by the U.S. forces - have been carefully documented by various groups such as the Human Rights Watch (HRW). The serious war crimes, which could be questionably labeled as acts of genocide, committed by these U.S.-backed Turkish forces have been condemned by the HRW and reports recommend that such forces should not be deployed in Kurdish civilian regions. Despite these various reports, Turkey is able to maintain support from the U.S. and NATO by persistently referring to a conspiracy of communist threats that may overthrow their government.
Regardless of the principles and U.S. foreign objectives, or the moral implications involved, the arms giants whose primary goal is to increase profit would rather see that the business relationship maintained and are ensuring that elected officials see eye-to-eye regarding this preference. Lobbyist efforts that seem to be shaping U.S. foreign policy in regards to Turkey have been very successful in diverting public attention from Turkey’s various human rights issues. The largest manufacturers of arms are golden horn members of the most powerful Turkish lobby group, the American Turkish Council (ATC), and include Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Bechtel International, Boeing, and BAE Systems. Each of these corporations has made substantial profits off the perceived communist threat in Turkey, and would probably much rather see a conflict continue than for it to come to a solution, which would only end their sales.
In fact, this assumption was displayed last year in 2006 when rebels offered a ceasefire that was praised by members of the European Union and provided opportunity to end the decades-long armed conflict. The response by a U.S. diplomat, General Joseph Ralston, in charge of U.S.-Turkish relations regarding Turkish internal conflicts was that a ceasefire would not be accepted and elimination of the group is necessary. At the same time, Lockheed Martin was closing a multi-billion dollar arms deal with the Turkish military, which the general would directly profit from as he sat on the Lockheed Martin Board of Directors.
A relationship that strays away from various United States principles can have devastating future consequences. Many U.S. presidents, and most recently President Bush, have reiterated a policy of spreading democracy and even the founding principles of NATO are to “safeguard common values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and peaceful resolution.” Any credibility is further undermined by the unconditional support for Turkey by the U.S. and NATO allies as it falls outside their very principles. Furthermore, Turkey’s lack of cooperation has worked counter to U.S. interests and continues to do so. Today, U.S. arms giants are continuing to arm a Turkey that may very well be harming U.S. interests in the Middle East once again.
Turkey is considering an invasion of the only peaceful and pro-American region in all of Iraq in the northern Kurdish part of the country, which may have devastating effects for American efforts in Iraq. Other conflicts between Turkish and American interests may not be so obvious. In May of 2007, rebels in Turkey derailed a Turkish train carrying weapons from Iran to Syria that were supposed to be received by the Hezbollah in Lebanon. To the naked eye, this news appears as to be another repeat of Turkish assistance to terrorist groups in the region as was the case in 1973. Despite these disturbing facts, the lack of coverage in the American media along with NATO’s absent investigation of the incident bring about questions in what is controlling U.S. foreign policy; vital interests for stability in foreign nations, or corporate profits that rise with instability. From the Cold War up to the War on Terror, U.S. interests have become blurred by odd alliances and unless such alliances are eliminated, instability can be further instigated and the formal efforts of American troops to create stability in foreign nations may forever go wasted.
In fact..It´s a LOT damage done! In fact..Every ones "strategic partnership" with Turkey..From the U.S., Germany´s, Britain's weapon affairs and personal interests between Syria Turkey and Iran, whit Turkey´s Red Cresent´s work with Iran and Syria´s in their interests in both Hezbollah in Lebanon and in Iraq, where Turkey is so willing to have talks with Hamas but not only refuse contribute to solutions with the Kurds, but all together are taking this whole region to a collective-suicidal-genocidal "war-fare" the same way as crimes against humanity and destabilization of this whole region at the expense of people in this whole region, as it always have been done!
The regime in Iran, Syria and Turkey´s crimes against the Kurds that have been going on for decades, where Turkey refuse to respond on calls for solutions with support from the U.S., Germany and a whole lot others, and the crimes is instigated between the border of Turkey and Syria, where Syria, Nasrallah/Hezbollah and Iran use both the Kurds and the Palestinians is not "war on terrorism" IT´S A GENOCIDAL "WAR-FARE"!