Monday, December 31, 2012
As CIA is "busy with the war on terrorism", Iraqis, Kurds, Syrians, Palestinians, Afghans, Baluch, Tamils and half the planet are committed genocide on and Israeli tanks enters the Gaza strip while mass genocidal psychopaths speaks about "Peace process", "democracy", "security and stability" and "peaceful democratic transitions"!
The Israeli global mass genocidal Nazi Hub´s Tanks and bulldozers enter southern Gaza Strip
Tanks and bulldozers enter southern Gaza Strip
US, France deploy troops to Central African Republic - World Socialist Web Site
4 killed, 22 wounded in Baghdad explosion
Military Major and one soldier hit by a bomb blast in Fallujah
2 Killed, 9 wounded by mortar shells in Latifiya area
Two IEDs kill 2 cops, injure 7 in Kirkuk
Sahwa fighter killed, 3 wounded in Baaquba
7 dead, 4 injured in exploding three houses in Babel
Anbar events assassination attempt, Mutlaq
Gunman killed, one wounded in military clashes north Tikrit
Kirkuk deputy governor escaped assassination
2 killed, 3 wounded of Karbala
Five injured by Mutlaq's bodyguards in Anbar
Blasts Aimed at Iraqi Shi'ites, Police Kill 23
antiwar- 2012 was-deadliest-year-for-afghan-military
antiwar - at-least-41-killed-in-pakistan-militant-attacks
Syrian War Could Cost Another 100,000 Lives in 2013: UN Envoy
US, France deploy troops to Central African Republic - World Socialist Web Site
4 killed, 22 wounded in Baghdad explosion
Military Major and one soldier hit by a bomb blast in Fallujah
2 Killed, 9 wounded by mortar shells in Latifiya area
Two IEDs kill 2 cops, injure 7 in Kirkuk
Sahwa fighter killed, 3 wounded in Baaquba
7 dead, 4 injured in exploding three houses in Babel
Anbar events assassination attempt, Mutlaq
Gunman killed, one wounded in military clashes north Tikrit
Kirkuk deputy governor escaped assassination
2 killed, 3 wounded of Karbala
Five injured by Mutlaq's bodyguards in Anbar
Blasts Aimed at Iraqi Shi'ites, Police Kill 23
antiwar- 2012 was-deadliest-year-for-afghan-military
antiwar - at-least-41-killed-in-pakistan-militant-attacks
Syrian War Could Cost Another 100,000 Lives in 2013: UN Envoy
Israel´s and Sri Lanka's military trade and training goes back to the early 80´s
The Chencholai massacre in which 61 schoolgirls were killed
Another rogue regime is committing genocide against its own people with the full knowledge and assistance of world governments. The murderous Zionist regime sells fighter jets and cluster munitions to the Sinhala war criminals. The largest donor of financial aid to the fascist regime is the thuggish theocracy in Iran. The pilots of the fascist regime are trained to bomb civilians by its close defence partner and comrade-in-arms, Pakistan. The majority of the ammunition of the genocidal regime is supplied by the CCP criminals in China.
The scoundrels controlling the Indian government’s policy chip in with tremendous covert assistance and provide arms and training to the genocidal regime to annihilate the minorities despite massive protests by its own people and a unanimous, democratic resolution to end the conflict by finding a peaceful, political solution. The governments of the West play a passive role in all this by paying lip service to the safety of civilians and at the same time, collaborating with the war criminals running the military.
Sri Lanka’s Defense Secretary and United States citizen. Sri Lanka’s Defense Secretary, brother of Sri Lanka’s President Mahinda Rajapaksa, and believed to own a primary residence in San Dimas, California valued at approximately $1 million.
Commander of the Sri Lanka Army and United States green card holder, Lieutenant General SARATH FONSEKA, believed to own property through his daughter in Oklahoma. Sunday, December 30, 2012
As Israel and Turkey cooperates, coordinates, conducting military trade and "training" all over Kurdistan, while CIA is busy with the "war on terrorism" in Iraq for 9 years, just as Turkey cooperates and coordinates with the Pakistani army which sent forces to Bahrain, while British politicians sits in bilateral meetings with Pakistan on IMF aid that pumps oil to NATO forces in Baluchistan and a genocide going on for decades
CIA Drones In Pakistan Are Illegal, Violate International Law
Randle says that CIA drones are an attempt to violate international law. The restart of drone attacks in Pakistan is “the latest attempt by the United States to circumvent international law in pursuit of its alleged enemies,” he writes.
He notes that the increase in the use of CIA drones is part of a policy, where the American president has signed on the National Defense Authorization Act [NDAA], “which codified the indefinite detention of US citizens.”
Read more
CIA Drones In Pakistan Are Illegal, Violate International Law
Indefinite Detention - Israel’s Repressive System of Military Justice Is No Longer Invisible
Greenwald: Indefinite detention policies have become normalized legally, politically and culturally in Israel and the US
Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention
Like a #¤#¤¤ global Nazi Hub of "testing grounds"!
Get involved: Stop Israeli drone developer building in Manhattan!
Dangerroom - Former CIA, now Defense Secretary Leon Panetta - shadow wars
From our hypocrite in chief
Going on for a VERY long time!
Turkey uses Israeli Drones
He notes that the increase in the use of CIA drones is part of a policy, where the American president has signed on the National Defense Authorization Act [NDAA], “which codified the indefinite detention of US citizens.”
Read more
CIA Drones In Pakistan Are Illegal, Violate International Law
Indefinite Detention - Israel’s Repressive System of Military Justice Is No Longer Invisible
Greenwald: Indefinite detention policies have become normalized legally, politically and culturally in Israel and the US
Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention
Like a #¤#¤¤ global Nazi Hub of "testing grounds"!
Get involved: Stop Israeli drone developer building in Manhattan!
Dangerroom - Former CIA, now Defense Secretary Leon Panetta - shadow wars
From our hypocrite in chief
Going on for a VERY long time!
Turkey uses Israeli Drones
Yemen: reported US covert actions 2001-2011: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Yemen: reported US covert actions, after training and arming militants from Yemen into Afghanistan as well in the 80´s. While supporting militants into Syria and Turkey in its half a century "war against terrorism" and conducting drone war in Yemen and the tribal belt - at the same time. At the same time as National endowment for "democracy" is counting the deaths in the supported Yemeni "revolution" in facebook from "one side" and at the other aided, supported, armed Yemen military is having a "war-fare" against militants, "rebels" and protesters - at the same time. At the same time as people are killed by drones and living under starvation. ALL at the same time!
Yemen’s President Saleh signed a $400m deal with the Bush administration, as part of which the US created a ‘counter-terrorism camp’ in Yemen run by the CIA, US Marines and Special Forces. The deal was made with CIA Director George Tenet, who ‘provided Saleh’s forces with helicopters, eavesdropping equipment and 100 Army Special Forces members to train an anti-terrorism unit. He also won Saleh’s approval to fly Predator drones armed with Hellfire missiles over the country‘. According to journalist and military expert Jeremy Scahill the Yemen camp was backed up by Camp Lemonier in Djibouti, which housed Predator drones.
Among the forces inserted alongside the trainers were members of a clandestine military intelligence unit within the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) known as The Activity. While officially in Yemen as trainers, they also reportedly began to find and track al Qaeda suspects.
Key US counter terrorism actions in Yemen
The US Department of Defense is primarily responsible for counter-terrorism activities in Yemen, just as it is in Somalia. CENTCOM is the lead Pentagon command. Joint Special Operations Command – or JSOC – is the elite force often credited with attacks in Yemen aimed at al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and more recently, Ansar al-Sharia. US activity has at various times consisted of cruise missile strikes, naval bombardments, air strikes and more recently, drone strikes launched from Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti and elsewhere. Attacks are at times in conjunction with, or in support of, the Yemen military.
Read more
yourpakistan - pakistan-tribal-belt
human rights abuses in Pakistan’s tribal belt
According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the mujahideen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan in December 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: indeed, it was July 3, 1979, that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, "I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.... We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would."
The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: "We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam War." The Carter administration was well aware that in backing the mujahideen it was supporting forces with reactionary social goals, but this was outweighed by its own geopolitical interests.
In August 1979, a classified State Department report bluntly asserted that "the United States' larger interest...would be served by the demise of the Taraki-Amin regime, despite whatever setbacks this might mean for future social and economic reforms in Afghanistan." That same month, in a stunning display of hypocrisy, State Department spokesperson Hodding Carter piously announced that the U.S. "expects the principle of nonintervention to be respected by all parties in the area, including the Soviet Union." The objective of the intervention, as spelled out by Brezinski, was to trap the Soviets in a long and costly war designed to drain their resources, just as Vietnam had bled the United States.
The high level of civilian casualties that this would certainly entail was considered but set aside. According to one senior official, "The question here was whether it was morally acceptable that, in order to keep the Soviets off balance, which was the reason for the operation, it was permissible to use other lives for our geopolitical interests." Carter's CIA director Stansfield Turner answered the question: "I decided I could live with that."
With the support of Pakistan's military dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, the U.S. began recruiting and training both mujahideen fighters from the 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan and large numbers of mercenaries from other Islamic countries. Estimates of how much money the U.S. government channeled to the Afghan rebels over the next decade vary, but most sources put the figure between $3 billion and $6 billion, or more. Whatever the exact amount, this was "the largest covert action program since World War II" - much bigger, for example, than Washington's intervention in Central America at the same time, which received considerably more publicity.
According to one report: The CIA became the grand coordinator: purchasing or arranging the manufacture of Soviet-style weapons from Egypt, China, Poland, Israel and elsewhere, or supplying their own; arranging for military training by Americans, Egyptians, Chinese and Iranians; hitting up Middle-Eastern countries for donations, notably Saudi Arabia which gave many hundreds of millions of dollars in aid each year, totaling probably more than a billion; pressuring and bribing Pakistan-with whom recent American relations had been very poor-to rent out its country as a military staging area and sanctuary; putting the Pakistani Director of Military Operations, Brigadier Mian Mohammad Afzal, onto the CIA payroll to ensure Pakistani cooperation.
When Ronald Reagan became president in 1981, he found the Democratic-controlled Congress eager to increase spending on the Afghan war. A congressional staffer told a reporter, "It was a windfall [for the new administration]. They'd faced so much opposition to covert action in Central America and here comes the Congress helping and throwing money at them, putting money their way and they say, 'Who are we to say no?"
Aid to the mujahideen, who Reagan praised as "freedom fighters," increased, but initially Afghanistan was not a priority: In the first years after the Reagan administration inherited the Carter program, the covert Afghan war "tended to be handled out of [CIA director William] Casey's back pocket," recalled Ronald Spiers, a former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, the base of the Afghan rebels. Mainly from China's government, the CIA purchased assault rifles, grenade launchers, mines and SA-7 light antiaircraft weapons, and then arranged for shipment to Pakistan.... The amounts were significant-10,000 tons of arms and ammunition in 1983, according to [Pakistani General Mohammed] Yousaf-but a fraction of what they would be in just a few years.
In March 1985, the Reagan administration issued National Security Decision Directive 166,29 a secret plan to escalate covert action in Afghanistan dramatically: Abandoning a policy of simple harassment of Soviet occupiers, the Reagan team decided secretly to let loose on the Afghan battlefield an array of U.S. high technology and military expertise in an effort to hit and demoralize Soviet commanders and soldiers.
Beginning in 1985, the CIA supplied mujahideen rebels with extensive satellite reconnaissance data of Soviet targets on the Afghan battlefield, plans for military operations based on the satellite intelligence, intercepts of Soviet communications, secret communications networks for the rebels, delayed timing devices for tons of C-4 plastic explosives for urban sabotage, and sophisticated guerrilla attacks, long-range sniper rifles, a targeting device for mortars that was linked to a U.S. Navy satellite, wire-guided anti-tank missiles, and other equipment. Between 1986 and 1989, the mujahideen were also provided with more than 1,000 state-of-the-art, shoulder-fired Stinger antiaircraft missiles.
By 1987, the annual supply of arms had reached 65,000 tons, and a "ceaseless stream" of CIA and Pentagon officials were visiting Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) headquarters in Rawalpindi and helping to plan mujahideen operations: At any one time during the Afghan fighting season, as many as 11 ISI teams trained and supplied by the CIA accompanied mujahideen across the border to supervise attacks, according to Yousaf and Western sources. The teams attacked airports, railroads, fuel depots, electricity pylons, bridges and roads..
CIA operations officers helped Pakistani trainers establish schools for the mujahideen in secure communications, guerrilla warfare, urban sabotage and heavy weapons. Although the CIA claimed that the purpose was to attack military targets, mujahideen trained in these techniques, and using chemical and electronic-delay bomb timers supplied by the U.S., carried out numerous car bombings and assassination attacks in Kabul itself.
Read more
Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban
Yemen’s President Saleh signed a $400m deal with the Bush administration, as part of which the US created a ‘counter-terrorism camp’ in Yemen run by the CIA, US Marines and Special Forces. The deal was made with CIA Director George Tenet, who ‘provided Saleh’s forces with helicopters, eavesdropping equipment and 100 Army Special Forces members to train an anti-terrorism unit. He also won Saleh’s approval to fly Predator drones armed with Hellfire missiles over the country‘. According to journalist and military expert Jeremy Scahill the Yemen camp was backed up by Camp Lemonier in Djibouti, which housed Predator drones.
Among the forces inserted alongside the trainers were members of a clandestine military intelligence unit within the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) known as The Activity. While officially in Yemen as trainers, they also reportedly began to find and track al Qaeda suspects.
Key US counter terrorism actions in Yemen
The US Department of Defense is primarily responsible for counter-terrorism activities in Yemen, just as it is in Somalia. CENTCOM is the lead Pentagon command. Joint Special Operations Command – or JSOC – is the elite force often credited with attacks in Yemen aimed at al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and more recently, Ansar al-Sharia. US activity has at various times consisted of cruise missile strikes, naval bombardments, air strikes and more recently, drone strikes launched from Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti and elsewhere. Attacks are at times in conjunction with, or in support of, the Yemen military.
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yourpakistan - pakistan-tribal-belt
human rights abuses in Pakistan’s tribal belt
According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the mujahideen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan in December 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: indeed, it was July 3, 1979, that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, "I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.... We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would."
The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: "We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam War." The Carter administration was well aware that in backing the mujahideen it was supporting forces with reactionary social goals, but this was outweighed by its own geopolitical interests.
In August 1979, a classified State Department report bluntly asserted that "the United States' larger interest...would be served by the demise of the Taraki-Amin regime, despite whatever setbacks this might mean for future social and economic reforms in Afghanistan." That same month, in a stunning display of hypocrisy, State Department spokesperson Hodding Carter piously announced that the U.S. "expects the principle of nonintervention to be respected by all parties in the area, including the Soviet Union." The objective of the intervention, as spelled out by Brezinski, was to trap the Soviets in a long and costly war designed to drain their resources, just as Vietnam had bled the United States.
The high level of civilian casualties that this would certainly entail was considered but set aside. According to one senior official, "The question here was whether it was morally acceptable that, in order to keep the Soviets off balance, which was the reason for the operation, it was permissible to use other lives for our geopolitical interests." Carter's CIA director Stansfield Turner answered the question: "I decided I could live with that."
With the support of Pakistan's military dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, the U.S. began recruiting and training both mujahideen fighters from the 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan and large numbers of mercenaries from other Islamic countries. Estimates of how much money the U.S. government channeled to the Afghan rebels over the next decade vary, but most sources put the figure between $3 billion and $6 billion, or more. Whatever the exact amount, this was "the largest covert action program since World War II" - much bigger, for example, than Washington's intervention in Central America at the same time, which received considerably more publicity.
According to one report: The CIA became the grand coordinator: purchasing or arranging the manufacture of Soviet-style weapons from Egypt, China, Poland, Israel and elsewhere, or supplying their own; arranging for military training by Americans, Egyptians, Chinese and Iranians; hitting up Middle-Eastern countries for donations, notably Saudi Arabia which gave many hundreds of millions of dollars in aid each year, totaling probably more than a billion; pressuring and bribing Pakistan-with whom recent American relations had been very poor-to rent out its country as a military staging area and sanctuary; putting the Pakistani Director of Military Operations, Brigadier Mian Mohammad Afzal, onto the CIA payroll to ensure Pakistani cooperation.
When Ronald Reagan became president in 1981, he found the Democratic-controlled Congress eager to increase spending on the Afghan war. A congressional staffer told a reporter, "It was a windfall [for the new administration]. They'd faced so much opposition to covert action in Central America and here comes the Congress helping and throwing money at them, putting money their way and they say, 'Who are we to say no?"
Aid to the mujahideen, who Reagan praised as "freedom fighters," increased, but initially Afghanistan was not a priority: In the first years after the Reagan administration inherited the Carter program, the covert Afghan war "tended to be handled out of [CIA director William] Casey's back pocket," recalled Ronald Spiers, a former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, the base of the Afghan rebels. Mainly from China's government, the CIA purchased assault rifles, grenade launchers, mines and SA-7 light antiaircraft weapons, and then arranged for shipment to Pakistan.... The amounts were significant-10,000 tons of arms and ammunition in 1983, according to [Pakistani General Mohammed] Yousaf-but a fraction of what they would be in just a few years.
In March 1985, the Reagan administration issued National Security Decision Directive 166,29 a secret plan to escalate covert action in Afghanistan dramatically: Abandoning a policy of simple harassment of Soviet occupiers, the Reagan team decided secretly to let loose on the Afghan battlefield an array of U.S. high technology and military expertise in an effort to hit and demoralize Soviet commanders and soldiers.
Beginning in 1985, the CIA supplied mujahideen rebels with extensive satellite reconnaissance data of Soviet targets on the Afghan battlefield, plans for military operations based on the satellite intelligence, intercepts of Soviet communications, secret communications networks for the rebels, delayed timing devices for tons of C-4 plastic explosives for urban sabotage, and sophisticated guerrilla attacks, long-range sniper rifles, a targeting device for mortars that was linked to a U.S. Navy satellite, wire-guided anti-tank missiles, and other equipment. Between 1986 and 1989, the mujahideen were also provided with more than 1,000 state-of-the-art, shoulder-fired Stinger antiaircraft missiles.
By 1987, the annual supply of arms had reached 65,000 tons, and a "ceaseless stream" of CIA and Pentagon officials were visiting Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) headquarters in Rawalpindi and helping to plan mujahideen operations: At any one time during the Afghan fighting season, as many as 11 ISI teams trained and supplied by the CIA accompanied mujahideen across the border to supervise attacks, according to Yousaf and Western sources. The teams attacked airports, railroads, fuel depots, electricity pylons, bridges and roads..
CIA operations officers helped Pakistani trainers establish schools for the mujahideen in secure communications, guerrilla warfare, urban sabotage and heavy weapons. Although the CIA claimed that the purpose was to attack military targets, mujahideen trained in these techniques, and using chemical and electronic-delay bomb timers supplied by the U.S., carried out numerous car bombings and assassination attacks in Kabul itself.
Read more
Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Some of "today´s blogroll"...speaks for itself
White House, Congress extend police-state FISA law - World Socialist Web Site
Canada Covers-Up Its Own “USS Liberty” Murder of Canadian Peacekeeper By Zionist Scum
Josh Ruebner: U.S. Complicity in Israel's Deadly Actions in Gaza
The Flattening of Gaza
Remembering Roboskî
General Kayani’s Afghan game and the collateral damage in Pakistan
NIAC Profiteering from Deceit
Unlimited hypocrisy
Canada Covers-Up Its Own “USS Liberty” Murder of Canadian Peacekeeper By Zionist Scum
Josh Ruebner: U.S. Complicity in Israel's Deadly Actions in Gaza
The Flattening of Gaza
Remembering Roboskî
General Kayani’s Afghan game and the collateral damage in Pakistan
NIAC Profiteering from Deceit
Unlimited hypocrisy
"Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists"!
"Hillary Cuntin and Bizirk Obamma expressed their support for the Egyptian people, the people of Libya, Syria etc, to protest in the streets...but don't you dare try that in the United States!"
Meanwhile, the US police brigade is roaming the streets with crowd control - energy weapon on the top of the police vehicles! - 01:59
Meanwhile, the US police brigade is roaming the streets with crowd control - energy weapon on the top of the police vehicles! - 01:59
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Premier Haneyya in Gaza receives Muslim delegations from Australia and Turkey. While the US welcomes Syrian defectors with green cards and villages, just like the Turkish, Sri Lankan criminals, Afghan war lords and criminals around the whole #¤¤¤ planet..if any ones wonder where their houses are sold and which are taking over them!
"Globalists" in ...the Cuckoo's Nest going global!
It´s VERY #¤#¤¤ clear which are what here, while business is going great and "the Arab spring is good for Turkey´s business with "free trade zones" and Shimon Pere´s "new young global leaders", while threatening Haneyya and others with assassinations, while "Abbas doesn´t represent any ones any more" and bombing whole Gaza under siege and Syrians and Palestinians are exterminated and forced out of Syria!
The Netherlands may send Patriot missiles to Turkey-Syria border
Dutch Foreign Minister Supports Turkish Cross Border Raids
Kurds attacked in Amsterdam 23.10.2011
Dutch investigators in the murder of Olof Palme
The Netherlands may send Patriot missiles to Turkey-Syria border
Dutch Foreign Minister Supports Turkish Cross Border Raids
Kurds attacked in Amsterdam 23.10.2011
Dutch investigators in the murder of Olof Palme
Netanyahu/Lieberman Coalition, by Stephen Lendman
On January 22, Israeli parliamentary elections will be held. Netanyahu/Lieberman's Likud/Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Our Home) looks likely to win. Both men are world class thugs. They represent the worst of ideological extremism. They're hardcore racists. They want unchallenged regional dominance. They believe Israel has a divine right to terrorize Palestinians with impunity.
Lieberman's a serial felon. Charges against him included bribery, fraud, money laundering, breach of trust, and harassing witnesses. Major accusations were dropped. Fraud and breach of trust remain. Reports suggest other charges may be added. Lieberman denies it.
Rogue coalition leadership shows the deplorable state of Israeli governance. Mafia bosses pale by comparison. Respect for democratic values, rule of law inviolability, and peace demand throwing out the bums. Victory, not rejection, looks likely. Expect legitimate governance to take another major body blow.
Likud/Yisrael Beiteinu is a marriage made in hell. On December 25, Haaretz headlined " Likud's manifesto isn't worth the paper it wasn't written on," saying: Weeks ahead of January elections, Likud's platform remains unpublished. At issue is Netanyahu's 2009 two-state pledge. He rhetoric was hollow. He, Lieberman, and likeminded hardliners oppose it. They want all valued Judea/Samaria areas Judaized. They want Palestinian rights spurned. They prioritize right wing extremism. Their base demands it.
Netanyahu delivers plenty of red meat. He radicalized his Christmas day message. He highlighted fake anti-Islamic existential threats. "Christians are persecuted in a routine manner, and there is little tolerance toward them," he claimed. How so he didn't explain. He said they thrive in Israel. They "participate fully in the life of our country." He and other hardliners spurn anyone not Jewish. Arabs are considered sub-human. "Judeo-Christian heritage," he claims is just a figure of speech.
Read more Netanyahu/Lieberman Coalition
We know this genocidal system and which are running it by now and it´s a whole lot more mass genocidal psychopaths coordinating crimes than a Netanyahu/Lieberman Coalition, spread all over a #¤#¤¤ continent! Again: If the Americans and every one else wonder what´s going on they should just take a close look what happens in the Middle East, Israel, Turkey, NATO and mass genocidal psychopaths running it!
Lieberman's a serial felon. Charges against him included bribery, fraud, money laundering, breach of trust, and harassing witnesses. Major accusations were dropped. Fraud and breach of trust remain. Reports suggest other charges may be added. Lieberman denies it.
Rogue coalition leadership shows the deplorable state of Israeli governance. Mafia bosses pale by comparison. Respect for democratic values, rule of law inviolability, and peace demand throwing out the bums. Victory, not rejection, looks likely. Expect legitimate governance to take another major body blow.
Likud/Yisrael Beiteinu is a marriage made in hell. On December 25, Haaretz headlined " Likud's manifesto isn't worth the paper it wasn't written on," saying: Weeks ahead of January elections, Likud's platform remains unpublished. At issue is Netanyahu's 2009 two-state pledge. He rhetoric was hollow. He, Lieberman, and likeminded hardliners oppose it. They want all valued Judea/Samaria areas Judaized. They want Palestinian rights spurned. They prioritize right wing extremism. Their base demands it.
Netanyahu delivers plenty of red meat. He radicalized his Christmas day message. He highlighted fake anti-Islamic existential threats. "Christians are persecuted in a routine manner, and there is little tolerance toward them," he claimed. How so he didn't explain. He said they thrive in Israel. They "participate fully in the life of our country." He and other hardliners spurn anyone not Jewish. Arabs are considered sub-human. "Judeo-Christian heritage," he claims is just a figure of speech.
Read more Netanyahu/Lieberman Coalition
We know this genocidal system and which are running it by now and it´s a whole lot more mass genocidal psychopaths coordinating crimes than a Netanyahu/Lieberman Coalition, spread all over a #¤#¤¤ continent! Again: If the Americans and every one else wonder what´s going on they should just take a close look what happens in the Middle East, Israel, Turkey, NATO and mass genocidal psychopaths running it!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
After Obama´s speech to Turkish students and hundred years of relations of crimes between Turkey the US, Israel, Britain, France etc....And ongoing genocides on Iraqis, Palestinians, Syrians, destruction and destruction of means of living all over the region and beyond..and as one of NATO´s most propped up armed fascist, Nazi member.."Turkey needs protection."
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention
Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention
Syria: Hama, Halfaya massacre.
Well..It´s VERY clear in which company Obama is!
Syria: Hama, Halfaya massacre.
Well..It´s VERY clear in which company Obama is!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
How can the Netherlands with foreign Minister and the city of Hague "of peace and justice" be involved in violations of international law, crimes against humanity and peace, ethnically cleanings put in system for decades?
Destabilize and militarize while supporting "cross border raids" killing "rebels", while other "rebels" are supported and people are committed genocide on all over the region while resources are exploited? Shall we find out..shall we..
The Hague: A city of peace and justice? Al-Haq Director Shawan Jabarin: “How can the city of The Hague consider allowing its citizens and employees of international institutions, courts and tribunals tasked with contributing towards peace and justice world wide, to make use of a public transportation service which is operated by a company involved in violations of international law?
Dutch and Palestinian human rights organizations are calling for the Dutch regional administrative council of Haaglanden — whose major city is The Hague — to exclude Veolia Transport from bidding for a bus contract, because of the firm’s role in projects that strengthen Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank such as the Jerusalem Light Rail and the Tovlan landfill.
Call on Haaglanden to end its business with Veolia Dutch rights organizations.
A Different Jewish Voice and United Civilians for Peace (UCP) sent a joint letter, a fact file and a legal opinion to Haaglanden about Veolia’s activities in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. The organizations argued that Veolia should be excluded from the public tender, and that under no circumstances should it be awarded the contract to operate the public transport in Haaglanden. Yet so far, Haaglanden officials are refusing to change their policy, claiming that the information presented to them is “one-sided.”
UCP was founded by four major Dutch non-governmental organizations IKV Paxchristi, Oxfam Novib, Cordaid and ICCO. An English translation of the 12-page fact file on Veolia’s activities was published today by A Different Jewish Voice, as well as the legal opinion of Attorney Phon van der Biesen (in Dutch). The fact file provides useful up-to-date information for activists involved in the international Derail Veolia Campaign.
The Hague: A city of peace and justice? Palestinian human rights group Al Haq also called on Haaglanden “to reconsider its association with the Veolia Group’s businesses and to immediately exclude Veolia Transport Nederland from the public transport tender”. Al Haq said in a press release: Participation of a company with a disputed reputation and involvement in illegal activities in the [occupied Palestinian territories] in The Hague’s public transport tender is particularly problematic, due to the city’s reputation as the “International City of Peace and Justice.”
Commenting on the issue, Al-Haq Director Shawan Jabarin stated: “How can the city of The Hague consider allowing its citizens and employees of international institutions, courts and tribunals tasked with contributing towards peace and justice world wide, to make use of a public transportation service which is operated by a company involved in violations of international law?
Veolia’s complicity in Israeli violations of international law
Veolia’s role in the Jerusalem Light Rail which connects West Jerusalem with illegal settlements in occupied East Jerusalem is well-documented as is its role in Tovlan Landfill in the Jordan Valley where waste is dumped from settlements and municipalities in Israel; in the operation of bus services to illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank; and in the treatment of sewage from the settlement Modi’in Illit.
In “Time to hold Veolia to account,” Daniel Machover and I wrote about the Jerusalem Light Rail: Israeli settlements in the OPT and the annexation of East Jerusalem are illegal under international law. Numerous UN resolutions and the 2004 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Israel’s wall in the West Bank have confirmed this. The settlements violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention — which states “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies” — as well as Article 53 forbidding destruction of property. In some cases in East Jerusalem these violations amount to war crimes, i.e. “grave breaches,” as they involve extensive appropriation of Palestinian property not justified by military necessity (see Articles 146 and 147 of the convention).
These grave breaches are being facilitated by Veolia’s part in the construction and future operation of the tramway serving the settlements. The tramway also constitutes a significant alteration of the infrastructure of the OPT contrary to the Hague Regulations of 1907, Section 3, which Israel accepts as binding international law.
Through its involvement in the building and future operation of the tramway linking Israel’s illegal settlements with West Jerusalem, Veolia is facilitating Israel’s grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and is complicit in its perpetuation of those actions. In other words, Veolia is involved in aiding and abetting ongoing war crimes. It is also facilitating, exacerbating, aiding and abetting Israel’s breach of the Hague Regulations.
Many municipalities have already shunned Veolia. The fact file on Veolia sums up the city councils which adopted motions on the exclusion of Veolia from bidding for public contracts. In addition, the file lists the contracts Veolia lost in towns where Palestine solidarity activists campaigned against the company because of its involvement in Israeli violations of rights of the Palestinian people. European law in fact empowers local municipalities to take such actions. It states that “any firm may be excluded from participation in tender competitions who has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify” (Article 45 of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 31st March 2004).
This directive on the co-ordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public services contracts provides the basis for such activism. EU member states have the obligation to implement European law in their national laws as is the case in the Netherlands. Region Haaglanden dismisses “One-sided information” Today, I called Jan Willem Veenman, spokesperson for Haaglanden, to learn if the administration received the documents from Al Haq, A Different Jewish Voice and UCP. He confirmed receipt, but informed me that “at the moment there was no reason to change the procedure on the basis of one-sided information.”
The Hague is the International City of Peace and Justice, after New York the second city of the United Nations, according to the city’s website. “There are 131 international organisations in The Hague, employing around 14,000 people dedicated to the cause of world peace. As far away as Sarajevo, Nairobi and Kabul, the name ‘The Hague’ represents hope: hope for millions of people that the crimes perpetrated against them will not go unpunished. Hope for a peaceful future.”
The PLO, the Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions National Committee -– representing over 170 civil organizations -– Kairos Palestine, and Al Haq have clearly protested Veolia’s role in crimes Israel perpetrated against the Palestinian people. The Hague should live up to its reputation of “City of Peace and Justice”. It cannot write off the information of rights organizations as “one-sided.” Instead, The Hague should make sure that Haaglanden will not award the seven-year bus contract Veolia.
Call on Haaglanden to end its business with Veolia Dutch rights organizations.
A Different Jewish Voice and United Civilians for Peace (UCP) sent a joint letter, a fact file and a legal opinion to Haaglanden about Veolia’s activities in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. The organizations argued that Veolia should be excluded from the public tender, and that under no circumstances should it be awarded the contract to operate the public transport in Haaglanden. Yet so far, Haaglanden officials are refusing to change their policy, claiming that the information presented to them is “one-sided.”
UCP was founded by four major Dutch non-governmental organizations IKV Paxchristi, Oxfam Novib, Cordaid and ICCO. An English translation of the 12-page fact file on Veolia’s activities was published today by A Different Jewish Voice, as well as the legal opinion of Attorney Phon van der Biesen (in Dutch). The fact file provides useful up-to-date information for activists involved in the international Derail Veolia Campaign.
The Hague: A city of peace and justice? Palestinian human rights group Al Haq also called on Haaglanden “to reconsider its association with the Veolia Group’s businesses and to immediately exclude Veolia Transport Nederland from the public transport tender”. Al Haq said in a press release: Participation of a company with a disputed reputation and involvement in illegal activities in the [occupied Palestinian territories] in The Hague’s public transport tender is particularly problematic, due to the city’s reputation as the “International City of Peace and Justice.”
Commenting on the issue, Al-Haq Director Shawan Jabarin stated: “How can the city of The Hague consider allowing its citizens and employees of international institutions, courts and tribunals tasked with contributing towards peace and justice world wide, to make use of a public transportation service which is operated by a company involved in violations of international law?
Veolia’s complicity in Israeli violations of international law
Veolia’s role in the Jerusalem Light Rail which connects West Jerusalem with illegal settlements in occupied East Jerusalem is well-documented as is its role in Tovlan Landfill in the Jordan Valley where waste is dumped from settlements and municipalities in Israel; in the operation of bus services to illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank; and in the treatment of sewage from the settlement Modi’in Illit.
In “Time to hold Veolia to account,” Daniel Machover and I wrote about the Jerusalem Light Rail: Israeli settlements in the OPT and the annexation of East Jerusalem are illegal under international law. Numerous UN resolutions and the 2004 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Israel’s wall in the West Bank have confirmed this. The settlements violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention — which states “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies” — as well as Article 53 forbidding destruction of property. In some cases in East Jerusalem these violations amount to war crimes, i.e. “grave breaches,” as they involve extensive appropriation of Palestinian property not justified by military necessity (see Articles 146 and 147 of the convention).
These grave breaches are being facilitated by Veolia’s part in the construction and future operation of the tramway serving the settlements. The tramway also constitutes a significant alteration of the infrastructure of the OPT contrary to the Hague Regulations of 1907, Section 3, which Israel accepts as binding international law.
Through its involvement in the building and future operation of the tramway linking Israel’s illegal settlements with West Jerusalem, Veolia is facilitating Israel’s grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and is complicit in its perpetuation of those actions. In other words, Veolia is involved in aiding and abetting ongoing war crimes. It is also facilitating, exacerbating, aiding and abetting Israel’s breach of the Hague Regulations.
Many municipalities have already shunned Veolia. The fact file on Veolia sums up the city councils which adopted motions on the exclusion of Veolia from bidding for public contracts. In addition, the file lists the contracts Veolia lost in towns where Palestine solidarity activists campaigned against the company because of its involvement in Israeli violations of rights of the Palestinian people. European law in fact empowers local municipalities to take such actions. It states that “any firm may be excluded from participation in tender competitions who has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify” (Article 45 of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 31st March 2004).
This directive on the co-ordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public services contracts provides the basis for such activism. EU member states have the obligation to implement European law in their national laws as is the case in the Netherlands. Region Haaglanden dismisses “One-sided information” Today, I called Jan Willem Veenman, spokesperson for Haaglanden, to learn if the administration received the documents from Al Haq, A Different Jewish Voice and UCP. He confirmed receipt, but informed me that “at the moment there was no reason to change the procedure on the basis of one-sided information.”
The Hague is the International City of Peace and Justice, after New York the second city of the United Nations, according to the city’s website. “There are 131 international organisations in The Hague, employing around 14,000 people dedicated to the cause of world peace. As far away as Sarajevo, Nairobi and Kabul, the name ‘The Hague’ represents hope: hope for millions of people that the crimes perpetrated against them will not go unpunished. Hope for a peaceful future.”
The PLO, the Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions National Committee -– representing over 170 civil organizations -– Kairos Palestine, and Al Haq have clearly protested Veolia’s role in crimes Israel perpetrated against the Palestinian people. The Hague should live up to its reputation of “City of Peace and Justice”. It cannot write off the information of rights organizations as “one-sided.” Instead, The Hague should make sure that Haaglanden will not award the seven-year bus contract Veolia.
It´s actually not that hard to find out what these money "WE are paying" around half the globe are used for!
21,2012, On the anniversary of the International Day for the Rights of the Child on 20 November, SAWASYA Center for Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination expressed deep sadness for the tremendous tragedies suffered by Arab children – especially in Syria and Palestine, where they are killed in cold blood every day.
Official statistics issued by human rights organizations confirm that most killed in Syrian and the brutal aggression on the Palestinian people in Gaza are women and children –which is an intolerable moral crime that cannot be overlooked.
In a statement, SAWASYA said that such clearly criminal regimes do not respect norms or international covenants on human rights, as they commit humanitarian crimes of unspeakable cruelty and unbridled insanity, amid unjustifiable international silence.
SAWASYA stressed that the rights of the Arab and Muslim child were in grave danger as a result of violent, provocative practices by some regimes and extremist groups against innocent children, who fall every day with the whole world just watching on.
SAWASYA also called on the international community to pressure authoritarian regimes to respect the rights of the child, and to refer any regimes that commit acts of aggression against children to the International Criminal Court as war criminals.
Moreover, SAWASYA called on the media to expose persecution practices perpetrated by these regimes against innocent children, victims of wars and acts of extreme racism.
Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee Camp
Snipers are still located in the surroundings as well as in special positions within the camp..Today 3 people were killed and 3 were seriously injured. Shelling was renewed today in the camp as several shells had hit several areas causing the death of 2 people.
There is a number of families in Palestine street trapped in their houses for more than 5 days due to the presence of snipers shooting . There is an effort on behalf of relief organisations to assist these families as they lack food and basic nessecities. Appeals are circulating over the net addressing all possible institutions such as the Palestinian Red Crescent.
Palestinian Observatory for Human Rights POHR
Dec-22-2012, Solidarity sit-in with hunger strikers at the ICRC hq in Gaza
The criminal Silence over innocent killing – by H. A. Khan
Official statistics issued by human rights organizations confirm that most killed in Syrian and the brutal aggression on the Palestinian people in Gaza are women and children –which is an intolerable moral crime that cannot be overlooked.
In a statement, SAWASYA said that such clearly criminal regimes do not respect norms or international covenants on human rights, as they commit humanitarian crimes of unspeakable cruelty and unbridled insanity, amid unjustifiable international silence.
SAWASYA stressed that the rights of the Arab and Muslim child were in grave danger as a result of violent, provocative practices by some regimes and extremist groups against innocent children, who fall every day with the whole world just watching on.
SAWASYA also called on the international community to pressure authoritarian regimes to respect the rights of the child, and to refer any regimes that commit acts of aggression against children to the International Criminal Court as war criminals.
Moreover, SAWASYA called on the media to expose persecution practices perpetrated by these regimes against innocent children, victims of wars and acts of extreme racism.
Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee Camp
Snipers are still located in the surroundings as well as in special positions within the camp..Today 3 people were killed and 3 were seriously injured. Shelling was renewed today in the camp as several shells had hit several areas causing the death of 2 people.
There is a number of families in Palestine street trapped in their houses for more than 5 days due to the presence of snipers shooting . There is an effort on behalf of relief organisations to assist these families as they lack food and basic nessecities. Appeals are circulating over the net addressing all possible institutions such as the Palestinian Red Crescent.
Palestinian Observatory for Human Rights POHR
Dec-22-2012, Solidarity sit-in with hunger strikers at the ICRC hq in Gaza
The criminal Silence over innocent killing – by H. A. Khan
It´s VERY clear what these: "WE".."pay millions a day to Turkey" as OCCUPIERS, are used to! While jailing peace negotiators and groups, supporting "rebels" and killing "rebels" and have put in system to carry out instigated genocidal war-fares with genocidal tactics against people to be exterminated in their own homeland at the same time as being a occupying force and exploiting natural resources, against International laws, the UN charter and every #¤¤¤ laws!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Netherlands may send Patriot missiles to Turkey-Syria border, to "protect Turkey" while Syrians are committed genocide on..after aiding militants and "rebels" into Syria and killing "rebels", committing politicied on whole peoples, mass jail, while Iraqis are attacked!
Well..yeah...The Netherlands with its Bilderberger, Kissinger with awards from Clinton and Shimon Peres, supported fascist mobs and Hitler´s "grey wolfs" over a whole continent to have roaming the streets in Turkey as well in Amsterdam to attack Kurds that are protesting against instigated genocidal war-fares, while France jails Kurdish politician and negotiator, also supports crimes against humanity and peace all over the Middle East. While Turkey pressure "rebels" to attack Kurds in Syria and tear gas Syrian protesters!
And the world leading country in mass jailing of journalists, politcied, mass arrest, and fascist Nazi methods, spreading all over the region. And Turkey´s "cross border raids" which obvious are very #¤#¤ wide spread and mobile, destabilizing the whole #¤#¤¤ region and ongoing genocides of Iraqis, Kurds into the hangmen in Iran, Syrians, Palestinians and the whole region as well!
While Turkey shoots and kills Kurdish students for protesting against police violence and then jails students for protesting against killings and shootings, just like Israel shoots and kills Palestinians for protesting against shootings and killings!
It´s VERY clear which are what here, while mass genocidal psychopaths talks bullsh*t. That´s what psychopaths do! Keeps talking bullsh*t, no matter what!
The Netherlands may send Patriot missiles to Turkey-Syria border
Dutch Foreign Minister Supports Turkish Cross Border Raids
Kurds attacked in Amsterdam 23.10.2011
Dutch investigators in the murder of Olof Palme
"Friends of Syrians" turning the USA and the whole #¤#¤¤ planet to North Korea with Nazi guerrilla weaponry, heavy artillery, drones, jets, tanks, missiles, white phosphorus, chemical weapons, nerve gases and the whole #¤#¤¤ arsenal!
And the world leading country in mass jailing of journalists, politcied, mass arrest, and fascist Nazi methods, spreading all over the region. And Turkey´s "cross border raids" which obvious are very #¤#¤ wide spread and mobile, destabilizing the whole #¤#¤¤ region and ongoing genocides of Iraqis, Kurds into the hangmen in Iran, Syrians, Palestinians and the whole region as well!
While Turkey shoots and kills Kurdish students for protesting against police violence and then jails students for protesting against killings and shootings, just like Israel shoots and kills Palestinians for protesting against shootings and killings!
It´s VERY clear which are what here, while mass genocidal psychopaths talks bullsh*t. That´s what psychopaths do! Keeps talking bullsh*t, no matter what!
The Netherlands may send Patriot missiles to Turkey-Syria border
Dutch Foreign Minister Supports Turkish Cross Border Raids
Kurds attacked in Amsterdam 23.10.2011
Dutch investigators in the murder of Olof Palme
"Friends of Syrians" turning the USA and the whole #¤#¤¤ planet to North Korea with Nazi guerrilla weaponry, heavy artillery, drones, jets, tanks, missiles, white phosphorus, chemical weapons, nerve gases and the whole #¤#¤¤ arsenal!
Friday, December 21, 2012
"Operations" instigated genocidal war-fares with genocidal tactics, with the whole NATO arsenal against mostly small armed indigenous people in their own homeland all over the region into the hangmen in Iran, for decades, while having millions of business in Kurdistan, coordinating with occupying forces and countries while exploiting resources, against International laws and every #¤¤¤ laws!
What "Friends of Turkey" are paying for..Soon to a town near you to "repay" some..Turkey´s "operations", while US troops and Iraqis have been targeted for years, Syrians, Palestinians massacred for over a year, are just a couple of 4 billions and 600 hundred something millions..and a couple of billions to Egypt and so on..Meanwhile, NYPD is open branches in Israel, while Israel most probably already is in NYPD...Congratulations #¤¤¤ idiots..we are not speaking about some charity purpose here..Time to wake ¤¤#¤¤ up? GOUCSH!
Just like bombing, exterminating Palestinians in Gaza under siege, while exploiting natural gas. Just like a genocide going on for decades against the Baluch in their own homeland while pumping oil to NATO forces. Like exploiting resources in Afghanistan under occupation while Afghans are committed genocide on..etc..etc..Actually!
Just like bombing, exterminating Palestinians in Gaza under siege, while exploiting natural gas. Just like a genocide going on for decades against the Baluch in their own homeland while pumping oil to NATO forces. Like exploiting resources in Afghanistan under occupation while Afghans are committed genocide on..etc..etc..Actually!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
What more the USA and Turkey have in common while speaking a whole lot of bullsh*t and people are killed, massacred, jailed and violated every#¤#¤¤ where, while maintaining a full fledged fascists police, militarized Nazi state with FEMA camps, just like Israel, that "NATO is ready help with its dealings", while people are exterminated all over the region! #¤¤#¤ psychopaths!
It´s #¤#¤¤ put in system for decades! In Iraq, Israel, Turkey, Iran..all over the region, from Libya to #¤#¤¤ Baluchistan. Syria is just a big #¤#¤¤ genocide and a forced population transfer, just as Israel, Turkey, Afghanistan and over half the planet.. and the UN body and ¤#¤# Human Rights Watch knows it!
Human Rights Watch: Unlawful Israeli Attacks on Palestinian Media in Gaza
Turkey: The day independent journalists were jailed
RSF: Turkey world's biggest prison for journalists
The prohibition on deporting or transferring parts of a State’s own civilian population into the territory it occupies is set forth in the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, “the transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.
Etc, etc..VIDEO, Nations condemning Israel on settlements
The Gulf war in 1991, the genocide on a Iraqi defecting army, just like the "road of death" between Tripoli and Benghazi..and the uprisings against Saddam - VERY much like the "Arab Spring", genocides, mass graves, exodus of Kurds into Turkey and Iran to be exterminated at the borders, isolation of Öcalan on a isolated island, etc..are no #¤#¤¤ "mistakes"..Just like Syria is not!
Human Rights Watch, 1998, Italy urged prosecute Öcalan, while Turkey "protect the Kurds from terrorists"!
Turkey: The day independent journalists were jailed
RSF: Turkey world's biggest prison for journalists
The prohibition on deporting or transferring parts of a State’s own civilian population into the territory it occupies is set forth in the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, “the transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.
Etc, etc..VIDEO, Nations condemning Israel on settlements
The Gulf war in 1991, the genocide on a Iraqi defecting army, just like the "road of death" between Tripoli and Benghazi..and the uprisings against Saddam - VERY much like the "Arab Spring", genocides, mass graves, exodus of Kurds into Turkey and Iran to be exterminated at the borders, isolation of Öcalan on a isolated island, etc..are no #¤#¤¤ "mistakes"..Just like Syria is not!
Human Rights Watch, 1998, Italy urged prosecute Öcalan, while Turkey "protect the Kurds from terrorists"!
We are not much for "mix and blend" that some psychopaths have been doing for decades..
It´s actually hellish as it is..
It´s actually hellish as it is..
Friends of Egypt
More friends
Shall we go on shall we...It´s a whole #¤#¤¤ ocean to pick from!
They don´t give a #¤#¤ sh*t! Do they! A whole lot are simply being "replaced"..ACTUALLY!
A WHOLE LOT IS ACTUALLY WAAAY MORE PSYCHOPATHIC THAN WHAT IT SEEMS! It´s genocidal war-fares with genocidal tactics put in system for decades! Some are not even that..just genocides..Pure exterminations..actually..Just like Kissinger in East Timor..Over a whole #¤#¤¤ continent..In fact! Then he has some old friends in Argentina Shimon Peres and Hitlary Clinton awarded him for..
Want to see a short glimpse of how a fascist police, Nazi-NATO-mass genocidal military state with concentration/FEMA camps looks like, some are paying millions a day for while peace negotiators are jailed, supporting "rebels" and killing "rebels"? And which have put in system to carry out instigated genocidal war-fares against people to be exterminated in their own homeland for decades coordinated with occupying forces and countries that are exploiting natural resources, against International laws, the UN charter and every laws, while Kurds in Syria are left without International aid behind closed borders.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
A whole lot of dots "in the region there between"..Of destroyed villages and mass graves actually! So...we shall start talk about "rebels" and shall we..
"Protecting the Kurds against terrorists"..still do...STILL "PROTECTING THE KURDS FROM TERRORISTS".. actually, while having business for millions in Kurdistan and pipelines planned! Committing crimes against humanity and peace, exterminations, bombings, politicied, mass jail while exploiting recources in Kurdistan!
Today "NATO is ready to help Turkey to deal with Syria" that looks very much like the Kurdish villages! so..AGAIN: WHICH ARE THE NEXT, THE NEXT AND THE NEXT "NATO IS READY TO HELP TURKEY TO DEAL WITH"?
Today "NATO is ready to help Turkey to deal with Syria" that looks very much like the Kurdish villages! so..AGAIN: WHICH ARE THE NEXT, THE NEXT AND THE NEXT "NATO IS READY TO HELP TURKEY TO DEAL WITH"?
Well...yeah..Jerusalem will be filled with Nazis, racists, fascists and mass genocidal psychopaths, the only ones that wants to go there to visit mass genocidal psychopaths!
"The US is sending "back" troops to Iraq." Actually, there have been troops at Turkey´s bases the whole #¤#¤¤ time and we wouldn´t be surprised if there are some in those helicopters and jets bombing Kurds in Kurdistan as both US and Israel have military trade and training in cooperation with Turkey.
According to sources former Blackwater, now known as Academi and private security contractors attract troops and ex-Special Forces personnel from some countries such as Bosnia, Israel, Chile and the Philippines.
More over, MANY Palestinians, youths and children have been killed by snipers in Syria. That would be at the same time as Israeli soldiers are shooting Palestinian protesters as Israel bombs Gaza and have #¤#¤¤ "trained" sniper shooting on Palestinians in Gaza, on farmers, fishermen, teenagers, school children and any Palestinians for over half a century simultaneously as Israels "strategic ally" Turkey has been busy with bombing, killing Kurds, mass jailing and organized fascist attacks on Kurdish university students, with knives, sticks and police shootings to death, while jailing them for protesting, going on for years after Obama spoke with Turkish students, at the same time Kurds and Kurdish youths demonstrated all over the USA!
And while "promoting democracy" in Syria, while France jails Kurdish politician and negotiator and hosting "Friends of Syria" and Iraqis are targeted and committed genocide on for 9 years - this time around, while Turkey kills "rebels" and support "rebels" and "need protection"!
While Obama is talking about where there is need for ban on guns and weaponry! There are demands on ban on weaponry to Israel, which even Holocaust survivors writes on to! Obama didn´t reflect on that what so ever! Did he!
More over, MANY Palestinians, youths and children have been killed by snipers in Syria. That would be at the same time as Israeli soldiers are shooting Palestinian protesters as Israel bombs Gaza and have #¤#¤¤ "trained" sniper shooting on Palestinians in Gaza, on farmers, fishermen, teenagers, school children and any Palestinians for over half a century simultaneously as Israels "strategic ally" Turkey has been busy with bombing, killing Kurds, mass jailing and organized fascist attacks on Kurdish university students, with knives, sticks and police shootings to death, while jailing them for protesting, going on for years after Obama spoke with Turkish students, at the same time Kurds and Kurdish youths demonstrated all over the USA!
And while "promoting democracy" in Syria, while France jails Kurdish politician and negotiator and hosting "Friends of Syria" and Iraqis are targeted and committed genocide on for 9 years - this time around, while Turkey kills "rebels" and support "rebels" and "need protection"!
While Obama is talking about where there is need for ban on guns and weaponry! There are demands on ban on weaponry to Israel, which even Holocaust survivors writes on to! Obama didn´t reflect on that what so ever! Did he!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The mouths on the worst war criminals, terrorists, carrying out terrorists acts and full fledged genocides with genocidal tactics, coordinated between mass genocidal psychopaths all over the whole planet, in crimes against humanity and peace, everything the Nazis claimed to be and worse, against International laws, UN charter, convention and every #¤#¤¤ laws for a century keeps moving!
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: Summarized preliminary death toll for Monday 17.12.12. Approximately 120 Syrians were killed, so far.
Massive exodus from Yarmouk palestinian refugee camp
Heavy bombardment of Yarmouk Camp by MIG warplanes... Tens of thousands of people have fled and still trying to flee the violence and are leaving Yarmouk Camp... The camp that became their home after having to leave Palestine is not safe any more. They leave behind everything and most of them have nowhere to go. Mosques, schools, basements are opening to shelter them but it is few and not enough. A significant number stays in the streets..
From United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) All schools in Yarmouk Camp, Housseinieh Camp, Douma and Seit Zainab are CLOSED!
Massive exodus from Yarmouk palestinian refugee camp
Massive exodus from Yarmouk palestinian refugee camp
Heavy bombardment of Yarmouk Camp by MIG warplanes... Tens of thousands of people have fled and still trying to flee the violence and are leaving Yarmouk Camp... The camp that became their home after having to leave Palestine is not safe any more. They leave behind everything and most of them have nowhere to go. Mosques, schools, basements are opening to shelter them but it is few and not enough. A significant number stays in the streets..
From United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) All schools in Yarmouk Camp, Housseinieh Camp, Douma and Seit Zainab are CLOSED!
Massive exodus from Yarmouk palestinian refugee camp
It´s VERY clear what these: "WE".."pay millions a day to Turkey as OCCUPIERS," are used to!
While jailing peace groups and claiming whole peoples are terrorists and "rebels", while arming "rebels," hosting "Friends of Syria" and jailing negotiators, while carry out instigated genocidal war-fares with genocidal tactics and terrorist acts all over the region, against people to be exterminated in their own homeland while exploiting natural resources, against International laws, the UN charter and every #¤¤¤ laws!
CIA and its "intelligence sharing" with Turkey and Turkey´s "war on terrorism," at the same time as arming "rebels" into Syria, France is jailing Kurdish politician and negotiator and have meetings with "Friends of Syria" while Syrians are killed by the 42.000.
15.12.2012, "promoting democracy" - In Syria!
Turkey´s, NATO´s, UK, US, Israel´s war against the Kurdish footsoldiers with mostly small arms, with the whole NATO arsenal and chemical weapons and military trade going on for over 30 years all over the region into the torture and hangmen in Iran. While having Öcalan isolated on a isolated island, claiming he is the terrorist while terrorizing and exterminating the whole #¤#¤¤ region and half the planet. And Kurds killed and hanged in Iran and at its border. CIA not being able to stop attacks and a genocide on Iraqis going on for 9 years - this time around. While NATO "is ready to help Turkey with its dealings" and "WE" pay millions a day to Turkey and Israel jails, abuse, destroys properties, agriculture and means of living, demolish homes, kills Palestinians while Palestinians refugee camps are shelled and Palestinians and whole peoples are killed, exterminated, displaced all over the #¤#¤¤ region and further to a Afghanistani, Baluch and you #¤#¤¤ name it...Holocausts to Sri Lanka with 100.000 missing Tamils. And Russian leaders cares so #¤#¤¤ much about Syrians, Kurds ..And so on and on and on..
Kilner: "Against PKK we give millions to Turkey." And bigger Molotov cocktails..Psychopaths have asked for, for a loooong time..In Turkey´s war against basic human rights and UN declarations with a seat in its security council, against right to life, children, minors and youths, democracy, journalists, politicians, human rights defenders..any ones that happens to walk by..and against peace..while NATO "is ready to help Turkey in its dealings"..
"WE".."pay millions a day" OCCUPIERS, claiming whole peoples are terrorists and "rebels" to be exterminated in their own homeland while exploiting natural resources, against International laws and every #¤¤¤ laws! Against the indigenous people in this region under OCCUPATION and attack by the whole NATO arsenal in their own homeland for half a century or hundred years, into the torture and hangmen in Iran. "WE".."pay millions a day".. against nearly 50 millions of people, displaced and spread and persecuted all over the globe, JUST like during WWII and the Nazis! "WE".."pay millions a day to Turkey"..Including to Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen and the whole #¤#¤¤ Nazi-NATO!
"WE".."pay millions a day" OCCUPIERS, claiming whole peoples are terrorists and "rebels" to be exterminated in their own homeland while exploiting natural resources, against International laws and every #¤¤¤ laws! Against the indigenous people in this region under OCCUPATION and attack by the whole NATO arsenal in their own homeland for half a century or hundred years, into the torture and hangmen in Iran. "WE".."pay millions a day".. against nearly 50 millions of people, displaced and spread and persecuted all over the globe, JUST like during WWII and the Nazis! "WE".."pay millions a day to Turkey"..Including to Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen and the whole #¤#¤¤ Nazi-NATO!
New U.S. “Embassies” Being Built All Over the World Are Actually Spy Centers
New U.S. “Embassies” Being Built All Over the World Are Actually Spy Centers
Well..with Öcalan isolated on a isolated island and a embassy big as the Vatican in Iraq it tells a whole lot of CIA and its "intelligence sharing" with Turkey and Turkey´s "war on terrorism," France jailing Kurdish politician and negotiator, while Syrians are killed by the 42.000, Kurds killed and hanged in Iran, and not being able to stop attacks and a genocide on Iraqis going on for 9 years - this time around.
It sure in Hell looks like if Americans or any ones else were attacked they can surely not relay on #¤#¤¤ CIA, while military contracts are generating surplus profits between Lockheed Martin and former CIA´s as "Secretary of defence", while having a Nazi-NATO ready to "help Turkey with its dealings"!
Well..with Öcalan isolated on a isolated island and a embassy big as the Vatican in Iraq it tells a whole lot of CIA and its "intelligence sharing" with Turkey and Turkey´s "war on terrorism," France jailing Kurdish politician and negotiator, while Syrians are killed by the 42.000, Kurds killed and hanged in Iran, and not being able to stop attacks and a genocide on Iraqis going on for 9 years - this time around.
It sure in Hell looks like if Americans or any ones else were attacked they can surely not relay on #¤#¤¤ CIA, while military contracts are generating surplus profits between Lockheed Martin and former CIA´s as "Secretary of defence", while having a Nazi-NATO ready to "help Turkey with its dealings"!
Abdullah Ocalan´s prison situation violates several human rights. We demand that the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT to send a a delegation to the Imrali island prison in Turkey, to take their obligation, to fulfill their responsibility and to defend the rights the committee themselves have guaranteed
Council of Europe’s anti-torture watchdog
CPT has visited Imrali Island for the fifth time and published a report about the visit. Noting some improvements, CPT emphasizes: “However, these new arrangements could only be described as a very modest step in the right direction.” The changes in the prison situation on Imrali Island that occurred at the end of basically meant a shift from total isolation to small-group isolation. Effectively there are now five other prisoners who are being subjected to worse conditions then they were in before.
However, when the conditions of Ocalan and the five other inmates are compared the ongoing discrimination of Ocalan can clearly be seen.
Imrali island maintains its position as having the lowest standards amongst all the prisons in Turkey. Besides serious criticism on the healthcare system, CPT especially criticizes Ocalan still being denied some basic rights that every other prisoner in Turkey enjoys. Most of them are linked to communication like the denial of access to a television, the denial of any phone calls and the ban on letters.
In its report CPT emphasizes the necessity of correcting this and asks for monthly reports from the Turkish authorities.
Petition Background (Preamble):
The Turkish state and the government has long promised to the European Court and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, to change the brutal isolating conditions that has been held towards the Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan during eleven years on the Imrali island prison in the Sea of Marmara in Turkey. This gave us hope that the isolation would be removed and that Ocalan's right to life and his human rights would be respected.
According to reports from both the CPT and the European Court, the condition Ocalan lives in is a clear violation of all international laws regarding the respect of a prisoner, his human rights and human dignity are therefore not reasonable.
This fact threatens both his mental and physical health. That Ocalan's physical and mental health has significantly deteriorated by his confinement on Imrali and the conditions he is held captive in, is also witnessed by his relatives and his lawyers.
It has long been said by the Turkish government that the conditions Ocalan has lived in during the recent ten years should change. The actual result of this change occurred by an emergency report that Ocalan himself, his lawyers and relatives have published for the national and the international community. The report presents that the Turkish state has set up a new prison, which Ocalan was transferred to on Tuesday 17 November 2009.
According to the Turkish Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin, nine other prisoners from different prisons around the country will also move there so that Ocalan will not be the sole prisoner on the island of Imrali. But no trace of this change has until now been recognized. Ocalan is still the only prisoner in a prison which is ten times more isolating and the conditions which he lives in are much more inhumane than the previous prevailing conditions.
Although the Turkish Ministry of Justice indicate that obvious changes have been made at the newly built prison on the island in order to improve the living conditions of Ocalan, the reality is quite the opposite. In the new prison and in the new cell which Ocalan is in, much worse conditions exist compared to the previous prison he has been held in. Ocalan’s new cell is only six square meters, while the previous cell was 13 square meters. The air conditioning is much worse than before, which leads to big difficulties in absorption of oxygen. The window is also extremely worse. It is constructed upwards and no oxygenated fresh air is let through. Its design prevents Ocalan from having a view of the outside world and the daylight that comes in from the window is very hot.
In his statement, on 18 November 2009, Ocalan describes his new living conditions by following: "My new cell is half the size of my old cell and consists of six square meters. The air conditioning here is also much worse. In order to be able to inhale and exhale air, I must stand by the window and open it. The window here is built upwards and I have no view on the outside world. The only thing I can behold is the sky. When I have to open the window in order to get oxygen, the sun burns me greatly. Even though the heat from the sun is so unpleasant, that I feel like I will get a heat stroke, I am forced to stay by the open window in order to get oxygen. I have very severe breathing problems here."
The Kurdish leader's brother Mehmet Ocalan, who recently visited his brother at the newly established prison, on 18 November 2009, said in an interview with the press that the sharp deterioration had been made on Ocalan's living conditions at the prison by informing the following: "In the name of improvement clear deterioration has been made. The cell that my brother now is living in is a room of six square meters, but the former was thirteen square meters. The air conditioning is significantly much worse and my brother has great difficulty in inhalation and exhalation of air. Ocalan said during the meeting to us that he feels that he at any time will be suffocated and that every time he tries to inhale air, it feels like his guts are coming out of his body.
My brother was also subjected to solitary confinement during our meeting with him. Previously, the distance between him and us was ten metres less when we met him, but now Ocalan was buried in a cage of glas and the distance between us was thirty metres. We had to yell to hear each other. This was the worst meeting and the worst state we have seen him in during the ten years which Ocalan has been held in a Turkish prison.
As Ocalan's family, we strongly protest against the Turkish government's actions against him. His deteriorated condition and state create considerable concern for us." We, the Kurds in the Diaspora and Kurdish friends, would like to turn to Amnesty International & European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT and all organizations which have the objective to work for humanity and human rights and we appeal for your humanity and your human attention on this serious issue.
The above mentioned factors all point to a system, which is twice as much worse isolating and painful, has been established at the new prison. This has occurred despite CPT's demands for improvement of the conditions.
In Amnesty International reports the case has been highlighted a number of times in the past and even the organization has made an appeal that the social and psychological isolation, which Ocalan is subjected to, should end. Amnesty International has clearly expressed criticism against the CPT's latest report, which was published on 6 March 2008 and held a number of softer emphasizes against Turkey, on the case where it was revealed that Ocalan has been poisoned.
Amnesty International had through their head office in London stated that the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, was vague and weak in their indications and pressure on Turkey concerning the treatment and the poisoning of Ocalan. According to Amnesty International reports and international criteria, isolation is an extensive and dangerous crime of a man's physical and mental well-being.
That a country like Turkey, who has signed on most of the European criterias and laws for a humane treatment of detainees in prisons, promising to improve Abdullah Ocalan's situation and living conditions, but are instead doing the exact opposite, is both appalling and unacceptable. We hereby demand that Amnesty International and mainly that the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, give attention to the case and that you put this on your agenda.
We demand you to initiate immediate efforts and that you take actions against this brutal decomposition, where the aim is to slowly break down Abdullah Ocalan and thus conduct him into a life-threatening health condition - both mentally and physically.
We demand that a delegation from your organizations visits the Imrali island prison in Turkey in order to follow up and to pay attention to the new changes that have been made.
We demand CPT, who are responsible for this situation, to take their obligation, to fulfill their responsibility and to defend the rights the committee themselves have guaranteed.
That Abdullah Ocalan's death sentence was abolished was good news for everyone, but that the sentence was replaced by torture and painful isolation, which may be called as a white execution, is an inhumane fact which your organizations should not accept and therefore do everything in your power to both deter and prevent.
Petition: We hereby demand that Amnesty International and mainly that the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, give attention to the case and that you put this on your agenda.
We demand you to initiate immediate efforts and that you take actions against this brutal decomposition, where the aim is to slowly break down Abdullah Ocalan and thus conduct him into a life-threatening health condition - both mentally and physically.
We demand that a delegation from your organizations visits the Imrali island prison in Turkey in order to follow up and to pay attention to the new changes that have been made.
We demand CPT, who are responsible for this situation, to take their obligation, to fulfill their responsibility and to defend the rights the committee themselves have guaranteed.
Strasbourg, 18 March 2010, European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)
One year of total isolation of Abdullah Ocalan on Imrali
http://Peace in Kurdistan Campaign
European committees...That would be the same European in Strasbourg that train Turkish lawyers and judges which jail peace groups and any advocates for peace in crimes against humanity and peace, put in system all the way into the borders with exterminations and torture and gallows in Iran.. And while France jails politicians and negotiators while more than 42.000 Syrians have been killed since the "Friends of Syrian" meeting in Paris.
The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, is VERY obvious VERY far from enough! FOR THE WHOLE #¤#¤¤ MIDDLE EAST AND BEYOND UNTIL THE NEXT "NATO IS READY TO HELP TURKEY TO DEAL WITH", ACTUALLY!
CPT has visited Imrali Island for the fifth time and published a report about the visit. Noting some improvements, CPT emphasizes: “However, these new arrangements could only be described as a very modest step in the right direction.” The changes in the prison situation on Imrali Island that occurred at the end of basically meant a shift from total isolation to small-group isolation. Effectively there are now five other prisoners who are being subjected to worse conditions then they were in before.
However, when the conditions of Ocalan and the five other inmates are compared the ongoing discrimination of Ocalan can clearly be seen.
Imrali island maintains its position as having the lowest standards amongst all the prisons in Turkey. Besides serious criticism on the healthcare system, CPT especially criticizes Ocalan still being denied some basic rights that every other prisoner in Turkey enjoys. Most of them are linked to communication like the denial of access to a television, the denial of any phone calls and the ban on letters.
In its report CPT emphasizes the necessity of correcting this and asks for monthly reports from the Turkish authorities.
Petition Background (Preamble):
The Turkish state and the government has long promised to the European Court and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, to change the brutal isolating conditions that has been held towards the Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan during eleven years on the Imrali island prison in the Sea of Marmara in Turkey. This gave us hope that the isolation would be removed and that Ocalan's right to life and his human rights would be respected.
According to reports from both the CPT and the European Court, the condition Ocalan lives in is a clear violation of all international laws regarding the respect of a prisoner, his human rights and human dignity are therefore not reasonable.
This fact threatens both his mental and physical health. That Ocalan's physical and mental health has significantly deteriorated by his confinement on Imrali and the conditions he is held captive in, is also witnessed by his relatives and his lawyers.
It has long been said by the Turkish government that the conditions Ocalan has lived in during the recent ten years should change. The actual result of this change occurred by an emergency report that Ocalan himself, his lawyers and relatives have published for the national and the international community. The report presents that the Turkish state has set up a new prison, which Ocalan was transferred to on Tuesday 17 November 2009.
According to the Turkish Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin, nine other prisoners from different prisons around the country will also move there so that Ocalan will not be the sole prisoner on the island of Imrali. But no trace of this change has until now been recognized. Ocalan is still the only prisoner in a prison which is ten times more isolating and the conditions which he lives in are much more inhumane than the previous prevailing conditions.
Although the Turkish Ministry of Justice indicate that obvious changes have been made at the newly built prison on the island in order to improve the living conditions of Ocalan, the reality is quite the opposite. In the new prison and in the new cell which Ocalan is in, much worse conditions exist compared to the previous prison he has been held in. Ocalan’s new cell is only six square meters, while the previous cell was 13 square meters. The air conditioning is much worse than before, which leads to big difficulties in absorption of oxygen. The window is also extremely worse. It is constructed upwards and no oxygenated fresh air is let through. Its design prevents Ocalan from having a view of the outside world and the daylight that comes in from the window is very hot.
In his statement, on 18 November 2009, Ocalan describes his new living conditions by following: "My new cell is half the size of my old cell and consists of six square meters. The air conditioning here is also much worse. In order to be able to inhale and exhale air, I must stand by the window and open it. The window here is built upwards and I have no view on the outside world. The only thing I can behold is the sky. When I have to open the window in order to get oxygen, the sun burns me greatly. Even though the heat from the sun is so unpleasant, that I feel like I will get a heat stroke, I am forced to stay by the open window in order to get oxygen. I have very severe breathing problems here."
The Kurdish leader's brother Mehmet Ocalan, who recently visited his brother at the newly established prison, on 18 November 2009, said in an interview with the press that the sharp deterioration had been made on Ocalan's living conditions at the prison by informing the following: "In the name of improvement clear deterioration has been made. The cell that my brother now is living in is a room of six square meters, but the former was thirteen square meters. The air conditioning is significantly much worse and my brother has great difficulty in inhalation and exhalation of air. Ocalan said during the meeting to us that he feels that he at any time will be suffocated and that every time he tries to inhale air, it feels like his guts are coming out of his body.
My brother was also subjected to solitary confinement during our meeting with him. Previously, the distance between him and us was ten metres less when we met him, but now Ocalan was buried in a cage of glas and the distance between us was thirty metres. We had to yell to hear each other. This was the worst meeting and the worst state we have seen him in during the ten years which Ocalan has been held in a Turkish prison.
As Ocalan's family, we strongly protest against the Turkish government's actions against him. His deteriorated condition and state create considerable concern for us." We, the Kurds in the Diaspora and Kurdish friends, would like to turn to Amnesty International & European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT and all organizations which have the objective to work for humanity and human rights and we appeal for your humanity and your human attention on this serious issue.
The above mentioned factors all point to a system, which is twice as much worse isolating and painful, has been established at the new prison. This has occurred despite CPT's demands for improvement of the conditions.
In Amnesty International reports the case has been highlighted a number of times in the past and even the organization has made an appeal that the social and psychological isolation, which Ocalan is subjected to, should end. Amnesty International has clearly expressed criticism against the CPT's latest report, which was published on 6 March 2008 and held a number of softer emphasizes against Turkey, on the case where it was revealed that Ocalan has been poisoned.
Amnesty International had through their head office in London stated that the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, was vague and weak in their indications and pressure on Turkey concerning the treatment and the poisoning of Ocalan. According to Amnesty International reports and international criteria, isolation is an extensive and dangerous crime of a man's physical and mental well-being.
That a country like Turkey, who has signed on most of the European criterias and laws for a humane treatment of detainees in prisons, promising to improve Abdullah Ocalan's situation and living conditions, but are instead doing the exact opposite, is both appalling and unacceptable. We hereby demand that Amnesty International and mainly that the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, give attention to the case and that you put this on your agenda.
We demand you to initiate immediate efforts and that you take actions against this brutal decomposition, where the aim is to slowly break down Abdullah Ocalan and thus conduct him into a life-threatening health condition - both mentally and physically.
We demand that a delegation from your organizations visits the Imrali island prison in Turkey in order to follow up and to pay attention to the new changes that have been made.
We demand CPT, who are responsible for this situation, to take their obligation, to fulfill their responsibility and to defend the rights the committee themselves have guaranteed.
That Abdullah Ocalan's death sentence was abolished was good news for everyone, but that the sentence was replaced by torture and painful isolation, which may be called as a white execution, is an inhumane fact which your organizations should not accept and therefore do everything in your power to both deter and prevent.
Petition: We hereby demand that Amnesty International and mainly that the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, give attention to the case and that you put this on your agenda.
We demand you to initiate immediate efforts and that you take actions against this brutal decomposition, where the aim is to slowly break down Abdullah Ocalan and thus conduct him into a life-threatening health condition - both mentally and physically.
We demand that a delegation from your organizations visits the Imrali island prison in Turkey in order to follow up and to pay attention to the new changes that have been made.
We demand CPT, who are responsible for this situation, to take their obligation, to fulfill their responsibility and to defend the rights the committee themselves have guaranteed.
Strasbourg, 18 March 2010, European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)
One year of total isolation of Abdullah Ocalan on Imrali
http://Peace in Kurdistan Campaign
European committees...That would be the same European in Strasbourg that train Turkish lawyers and judges which jail peace groups and any advocates for peace in crimes against humanity and peace, put in system all the way into the borders with exterminations and torture and gallows in Iran.. And while France jails politicians and negotiators while more than 42.000 Syrians have been killed since the "Friends of Syrian" meeting in Paris.
The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, CPT, is VERY obvious VERY far from enough! FOR THE WHOLE #¤#¤¤ MIDDLE EAST AND BEYOND UNTIL THE NEXT "NATO IS READY TO HELP TURKEY TO DEAL WITH", ACTUALLY!
Turkey pressure armed groups to attack Kurds
17.12.2012, (DIHA) - On the current situation in the West Kurdistan city of Serêkaniyê, Democratic Union Party (PYD) Leader Saleh Muslim pointed out that the Turkish government is supporting armed groups attacks on Kurds in the city with an aim to invade the West Kurdistan territory.
"The reason why they attacked is the fact that Turkish authorities had a meeting with them and asked them to attack on the Kurds in the city." Muslim noted that "Turkey applied pressure on these armed groups and threatened to stop supporting them unless they acted in accordance with the purpose for which they were sent."
Responding to the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Muslim said that; "First of all, it is not Davutoğlu but the peoples of Syria who will decide whether the new Syrian parliament to be formed will be independent or not. We heard the same statements from some opposition groups earlier, which shows that such arrangements are built by some certain central forces."
"Davutoğlu should know his place and stop pretending to respect the parliament of other countries for he should first respect his own parliament and its members."
Istanbul 'KCK lawsuit' resuming
Human Rights Week in Turkey: 181 custodies, 100 arrests
Eleven Kurdish teachers sentenced to prison in Iran
Probe of ‘PKK leader’ to local journalists
TUHAD-DER: Isolation in Imrali must be ended
MP Baluken: Ocalan wrote the rescue manifest of the Middleeast
Twenty six years prison sentence in Karlıova KCK case
KCK statement on International Human Rights Day
Mayor of Siirt in custody after new KCK operation
"The reason why they attacked is the fact that Turkish authorities had a meeting with them and asked them to attack on the Kurds in the city." Muslim noted that "Turkey applied pressure on these armed groups and threatened to stop supporting them unless they acted in accordance with the purpose for which they were sent."
Responding to the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Muslim said that; "First of all, it is not Davutoğlu but the peoples of Syria who will decide whether the new Syrian parliament to be formed will be independent or not. We heard the same statements from some opposition groups earlier, which shows that such arrangements are built by some certain central forces."
"Davutoğlu should know his place and stop pretending to respect the parliament of other countries for he should first respect his own parliament and its members."
Istanbul 'KCK lawsuit' resuming
Human Rights Week in Turkey: 181 custodies, 100 arrests
Eleven Kurdish teachers sentenced to prison in Iran
Probe of ‘PKK leader’ to local journalists
TUHAD-DER: Isolation in Imrali must be ended
MP Baluken: Ocalan wrote the rescue manifest of the Middleeast
Twenty six years prison sentence in Karlıova KCK case
KCK statement on International Human Rights Day
Mayor of Siirt in custody after new KCK operation
Monday, December 17, 2012
ShiaGenocide in Pakistan
Relentless killing of Shia Muslims in Pakistan
Open Letter to Mr. Ban ki Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations on UN delegation’s visit to Pakistan and Balochistan
Baloch people are facing state genocidal policies on their own land
One Hundred Thousand Tamils Missing in Sri Lanka
Ceasefire Means ‘Nothing’ to Gaza Fishers
Robert Gates must be pleased though, Inspired by the Middle East Institute since 1946 and WWII maybe.. to get some profit from military contracts and missiles. Mass genocidal psychopaths never cared for rights to life or any #¤#¤¤ rights..Never did..actually!
Turkish Firms Sign Training, Missile Defense Deals with Lockheed Martin
Lockheed optimistic Gates will keep, Congress will sustain, MEADS missile defense program
Iran-Contra also echoes in the re-emergence of several prominent public figures who played a part in, or were touched by, the scandal. The most recent is Robert M. Gates, President Bush's nominee to replace Donald Rumsfeld as secretary of defense (see below and the documents in this compilation for more on Gates' role). Robert M. Gates - President Bush's nominee to succeed Donald Rumsfeld, Gates nearly saw his career go up in flames over charges that he knew more about Iran-Contra while it was underway than he admitted once the scandal broke. He was forced to give up his bid to head the CIA in early 1987 because of suspicions about his role but managed to attain the position when he was re-nominated in 1991.
In earlier posts at top levels of the CIA, Gates figured in the Iran-Contra affair, in which he engaged in sins of omission if not commission, hesitating to make inquiries and pass warnings that might have headed off this abuse of power. As the CIA's top manager for intelligence analysis in the early 1980s he was accused of slanting intelligence to suit the predilections of the Reagan administration and his boss, Director William J. Casey.
Robert M. Gates was the Central Intelligence Agency's deputy director for intelligence (DDI) from 1982 to 1986. He was confirmed as the CIA's deputy director of central intelligence (DDCI) in April of 1986 and became acting director of central intelligence in December of that same year. Owing to his senior status in the CIA, Gates was close to many figures who played significant roles in the Iran/contra affair and was in a position to have known of their activities.
Gates was an early subject of Independent Counsel's investigation, but the investigation of Gates intensified in the spring of 1991 as part of a larger inquiry into the Iran/contra activities of CIA officials. This investigation received an additional impetus in May 1991, when President Bush nominated Gates to be director of central intelligence (DCI). Gates consistently testified that he first heard on October 1, 1986, from the national intelligence officer who was closest to the Iran initiative, Charles E. Allen, that proceeds from the Iran arms sales may have been diverted to support the contras.
Other evidence proves, however, that Gates received a report on the diversion during the summer of 1986 from DDI Richard Kerr. The issue was whether Independent Counsel could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Gates was deliberately not telling the truth when he later claimed not to have remembered any reference to the diversion before meeting with Allen in October.
Gates - Iran contra
The Robert Gates File
Read more
Lies, Cover Ups and Slanted Intelligence - Robert Gates and Iran/Contra.
United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited Lockheed Martin's [NYSE: LMT]
(Reuters) - Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have requested the sale of up to $7.6 billion in Lockheed Martin Corp missile-defense systems
UAE said-to-sign-lockheed-missile-deal-valued-to-3-49-billion
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